Chapter nineteen

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"Hey, you look suspiciously tired" Ryder raises his eyebrow

I give him a small sarcastic smile and pull the door further open to let him in "That's because I am"

He walks into the living room and sits on the couch. I lean against the frame of the door, watching him "didn't get much sleep last night"

I shake my head "who knew having you in my bed helped me sleep. It's usually quite the opposite"

He gives me a cheeky grin "come here then. You need sleep"

"We have school remember?"

"And when have we ever cared about school?" He points out. He moves so he's in a more comfortable position and I lie down beside him. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him and seconds later my eyes fall into a peaceful sleep

I stir awake to the sound of tutting. I open my eyes and lift my head from Ryder's chest who's also starting to stir awake. I groan when I see a smirking Emily standing on front of the tv

"And what do we have here?" She tuts

Ryder sits up beside me not bothered by the situation. He leans his elbows on his knees and holds his head in his hands. I mutter complaints and look over at my sister, but I don't attempt to get up "What are you doing here Em?"

"Well I was coming over to talk to you but you seem a bit preoccupied"

"How did you know I wasn't at school?"

Emily let's out a breathy laugh "Sweetie it's five pm how long have you been asleep?"

I stand up "Way longer than I expected"

Ryder stands up "well I better get to work. I'll see you tomorrow" he directs his statement towards me before turning towards Emily "nice to see you again Emily"

Emily gives him a smile "you too Ryder, I was starting to doubt my sister here, and think I wouldn't run into you here"

Ryder laughs and I roll my eyes playfully. As soon as the front door closes behind him Emily starts

"What's going on between you and Ryder? When did this happen? I thought you weren't talking to him? Spill"

I sigh and pat the seat beside me "you want the long story or short story?" I ask but speak before she can "you're getting the short story"


"Cammy's a fake ass bitch but she made me realise Ryder deserved an apology"

"Elaborate?" She says looking even more puzzled than before

"She called me out on front of the whole school in the cafeteria for not sitting with her and being quiet. Then she decided to call me an attention seeking slag"

"She what?!" Emily shrieks

I shrug "I know right? Like I'm sorry I don't wanna sit with the 'populars' or go to parties"

"That bitch"

"Tell me about it. Good thing I don't care about anybody in that dump"

"What about Ryder?"

"I text him that night because I realised I was being the bitch and blaming him for something he was trying to stop"

"So what's going to happen with you two next?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well are ye going to go back to the whole friends with benefits thing?"

I laugh "we work better as friends"

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