Chapter eighteen

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I got off my bed and changed into some comfortable Pyjama's. I got a reply saying they were on their way so I told them the front door was unlocked

I was wiping off my make up when my bedroom door opened. I didn't turn around from my vanity desk but I could see him in the mirror. He was wearing was wearing some grey sweat pants and a black windbreaker

"I'm sorry" I say in an almost whisper and turn in my chair to face him "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you in the hospital, especially when the accident really wasn't your fault and you were actually trying to protect me"

He sits down on the edge of my bed and shakes his head "you don't have to apologies, she was my ex so it sort of was my fault"

"Just don't blame yourself alright" after a few seconds of silence I breath out a laugh "I'm guessing you seen my latest scandal in the cafeteria"

He nods "Are you okay?"

I shrug and nod "It's given me a wake up call so yeah, I think I am" I look into his eyes and my smile drops "you were right" he gives me a confused look "I haven't been sleeping, I can't even remember the last time I slept an hour straight, every time I fall asleep I have these stupid nightmares and flashbacks"

I hadn't realised I was crying until Ryder wiped some tears from my cheeks "Hey, hey it's alright. I'm here, I'm here ok?"

He stood up and pulled me up with him. We wrapped our arms around each other and he rested his chin on top of my head "I really am sorry for everything" I whisper into his chest

"You don't have to be Talia. You done nothing wrong" neither of us say anything for a few minutes but then Ryder speaks in a voice just above a whisper "you need sleep Talia"

"I know"

"What about to try to sleep" I look up at him and shake my head profusely "I'll stay here, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you"

I nod my head and make my way over to my bed. I slid into the white bedsheets and moved over so that I was on the inside of the bed "Can you lie here with me?" I ask Ryder. He stood up from the seat he had taken at my vanity desk and walked over to me. Without saying anything he lay down beside me, I moved so that my head was resting on his chest

One of his hands was behind his head as he looked at the ceiling while the other was caressing my back "Get some sleep Tal, you need it"

The impossible happened when he said that. It was like all I needed was Ryder to tell me everything was alright and that I should sleep for me to instantly feel better. My eyes fluttered shut and in a matter of seconds sleep took over me

I stirred awake and reached out but there was no one beside me "Ryder?" I muttered sitting up in my bed. I seen him swinging on my 'office' chair, this time without a top "what time is it?"

"Almost 3am" He informs me and stands up walking towards the window "did you know your room turns into a sauna in the middle of the night?"

"I haven't actually brought anyone in my room to tell me that" I sarcastically retort

He smirks "See, that 24 plus hours of sleep really did help you get back to normal"

"I've been asleep over a day?!" I shriek

"You needed the sleep" he shrugs

"And you stayed here the whole time?"

"I promised I would" He sat down on the edge of my bed "so how did you sleep?"

I give him a thankful smile "the best I've had in ages. Not one nightmare in sight"

"Good" he gives me one of his rare genuine smiles "right now I'd kill for some food, you up for it"

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