Chapter fifteen

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Talia's PoV

My head was splitting. It felt like someone had punched it over and over again for an hour straight. My eyes felt heavy and it didn't matter how much I tried they just wouldn't open. When I tried to speak I almost chocked on something that was in my mouth but a little squeak managed to come out of it

"She's awake. She's awake guys" I heard a voice, that felt like it was shouting. A hand touched my own and a voice I recognised to be Emily's spoke again but this time in a whisper "Talia. Talia open your eyes"

I fought with my eyes to open and when they eventually did I had to close them straight away because of the light burning them. I slowly opened them after a few more seconds and noticed I was surrounded by people. Those people being Emily, my mom, Cammy, Sean and a nurse

"One second Talia, let me just get this out for you" the nurse smiles and starts to take the machine out of my mouth which wasn't a nice feeling, but I wasn't feeling good anyway

I tried to move but an instant pain hit me all over and everyone seemed to notice the pained look on my face "sweetie you should stay still for awhile, your not going to feel any better anytime soon" my mom speaks and I nod slightly

After a few minutes of trying to readjust myself to the situation I finally build up the courage to speak "what are you doing here?" I ask my question directed to Ryder who I had just noticed standing against a wall at the back of the room. I asked in a confused way rather than a rude one. My voice came out quiet and small which I hated

Cammy giggles "Typical Talia, you've been in a coma for almost a month and your first question isn't what happened, it's what's Ryder's doing here"

"At least we know her memories are back" Emily smiles

"Maybe we should give them some space" mom says taking a step back from beside me. She probably noticed the fact that mine and Ryder's eyes hadn't left each others even through the others comments

Everyone nodded and left but Ryder stayed glued to his spot at the wall. "What happened?"

"You were in a car accident" his response is quiet

"Why are you here? You didn't seem to care before"

"Because it was my fault"

"What? How?"

"It was Sheila. She told me to stay away from you or she'd get you back so that's why I had to do what I did"

"So that day after the party, that's what was wrong?" I ask and he nods "but you done what she said so how's it your fault"

He shrugs "she still caused the crash, she's still my fucked up ex"

"Is she..... has she been caught?" I ask not even wanting to know the answer

"Yeah, when I found out I told the police what happened"

The understanding of everything that happened kicked in. I expected to be relieved, I mean Ryder wasn't purposely being a dick to me and he got Sheila caught so why did I feel anger towards him. My eyes stupidly started to water "so I'm stuck in here after already having missed one month of my life all because of you" I spat "Im in this much pain because of you?"

He looks down at floor with a frown on his face but doesn't say anything. "Amn't I right?" I question

He takes a step towards me "Talia I-"

I shake my head and turn my head away from him "please just go" he stands there for another few seconds "please" I don't look at him as he leaves my room and I wanted to hit myself for the stupid tears that were falling down my cheeks

This is what I wanted right? I asked him to leave. I blamed him didn't I? So why the hell was I crying like I'd just broke my own heart 

"Talia, what just happened?" Emily asks walking into the hospital room. I quickly dried the tears from my cheeks and looked over to her, she had a concerned look on her face. Everyone but Sean walked in behind her but they stayed quiet

"Nothing" I say quietly and look down at my hands

"Why did Ryder lea-"

"I don't want to talk about him" I interrupt her, my eyes snapping up to hers "what happened to my car"

"It's totalled" she says bluntly

"Great" I mutter "what about everything in it?"

"I collected them for you, there at your house" Cammy tells me and stands up "actually I have your phone here" she picks up what seems to be a bag of stuff they've packed for me and grabs my phone out of it before handing it to me "I actually got your screen fixed it was in bits after the accident"

"Thanks Cam" I smile and she nods a smile also on her face

The door opens again and the nurse from before walks "Hey Talia, how are you feeling?" She asks me and grabs my medical board from the bottom of the bed

I nod "sore as hell"

She gives me a sympathetic smile "unfortunately it's going to be like that for a long time"

"So what actually happened me?" I ask as she checks my monitors

"Well sweetie, you had an emergency surgery which went on for almost ten hours to stop the bleeding to your brain, you sprained your wrist but thankfully over the the weeks you've been in a coma that's healed itself but you still shouldn't put to much pressure on it. You also broke and cracked a few ribs which will be the main cause of your pain for the next few weeks and your body and immune system has to be built back up over the next few days before we can even consider letting you home"

"Ouch" I laugh but stop straight away when it hurts

"But on the bright side your half way through it, and you've got one hell of a boyfriend and friends to get you the rest of the way through"

I didn't say anything instead I just nodded. By boyfriend did she mean Ryder? I shake my head I shouldn't even be thinking about him right now

The nurse left a few minutes later and Cam decided to turn on the television

"Great news to finish the day" the middle aged news presenter grins "17 year old Talia Ramsay has woken from her coma after 29 days. The young lady has woken after she was in a car accident on the 17th of November left her fighting for her life.

The accident was deemed as suspicious and less than 14 hours later an 18 year old was arrested for the attempted murder of Miss Ramsay

All of us at the news station wish Miss Ramsay a healthy recovery"

Cammy looks over at me a nervous look on her face "I'm sorry, that was probably too much too soon, I should have changed it"

I shake my head "it's fine. It's actually really nice to see that people care"

An hour later everyone decided they should leave and let me get some sleep. It was dark outside and the nurses had given me my night meds but the last thing I wanted or could do was close my eyes. All that was running through my mind was questions, would I wake up if I closed them? What would I dream about? Would I be okay?

So instead I sat up in my bed and stared out the window. At least this way I could keep myself safe

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