Chapter fourteen

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Cammy's PoV

I got to school early for once which was typical because I already knew that Talia wasn't going to be in today because she was working. My phone started ringing as I made my way through the halls

"Hey Alex what's up?" I say after answering the phone. He never calls me so whatever it is must be important

"Hey C, I don't know if you've heard or not but...." he goes off topic sounding nervous

"Alex what's wrong?" I ask my own nerves starting to kick in

"Um well last night Talia was in an accident" his voice goes quiet

My world feels like it's stopped in time "What? Is she okay?"

"I don't know Cam, all I know is Emily's at the hospital now and has been all night but she's still in surgery"

"I-I need to go there now"

"No Cam, you told me you had your physics test today that you had to pass. I'll text you any updates"

My eyes start to water "promise"


"Hey what's wrong" Sean stops me as I speed walk down the halls to the bathroom. He puts his hands on both of my arms and I look up into his concerned eyes

"Talia, shes.... she's in hospital"

Just then did I notice Ryder standing beside Sean, leaning against some of the lockers. I immediately regretted saying it out loud. I mean it's not like he cared about her, yet the look on his face told me he did

"Is she alright?" Sean asks

"She was in a car accident and has been in surgery all night. That's all I know but I can't go to the hospital because I have a physics exam and-"

"I'll go"

Ryder's PoV

"She was in a car accident and has been in surgery all night. That's all I know but I can't go to the hospital because I have a physics exam and-"

"I'll go" I interrupt Camila mid rant. I knew when she said Talia was in an accident something had happened

"You will?" She asks me a confused look on her face

"I still care about her" I say knowing what the look on her face means

She looked like she wanted to put up a fight but sighed instead "Thanks"

I nod before saying a quick goodbye to them

I got to the hospital ten minutes later and seen Talia's sister sitting in one of the waiting room chairs

"Hey" she says when I sit down beside her. She looked beyond tired

"Hey. Any updates?"

She shakes her head and then seems to remember something "she's supposed to be working this morning, she can't lose that job Ryder"

"It's fine, I'll go there explain what's happening and take her shift"

"They'll let you?" She asks me

I nod "I know the owner, I worked in one of his other bars"

"Thanks so much"

It was 3pm when I got back to the hospital. Emily had text me to tell me that Talia was out of surgery but still in a coma and had told me her room number

"Hey" I say closing the door to the hospital room behind me

"Hey, Thanks so much for earlier" Emily looks over at me

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