Chapter thirty-two

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"Hey Talia" a voice speaks quietly behind me the next day in school

I turn around to see over thirty girls from my year walking behind me. They stop when I turn around "hey"

"We're probably eight months too late" the same girl speaks, her names Dani, she's in a few of my classes and is a cheerleader "but we all" she motions to everyone around her "want to say congratulations to you and Ryder"

I smile "thank you"

"We also wanted to say we're sorry" another girl, Loren adds "not just us, majority of the girls in this school - we haven't exactly showed you that we'd all really like to be friends with you and when everything happened with Cammy and Helen we should have stood up for you because you weren't the bitch in that situation"

"You also shouldn't let that stupid message troll get to you" Shay adds "we all look up to you and think you're the prettiest girl in this school"

"Not to mention all the boys like you" Loren adds

"Anyway we want you to know that if you or the baby need anything don't hesitate to call on any of us"

I fan my face, my eyes feeling suspiciously watery "I'm going to try my hardest not to cry right now" I smile "but thank you guys so much, all of you" 

The bell signalling the start of class goes "anyway we'll let you go to class but we really hope you'd like to be our friend"

I nod "I'd like that"

"Then once you've had your baby, we're going to throw a party to celebrate" Loren grins

After saying a friendly goodbye most of the girls walk away. Shay watches them before turning back to me "we've the same first class, wanna walk together?"

I nod "that'd be cool"

"I love your outfit by the way" she says

I smile and look down at it. I'd decided on wearing a casual 'loose' fitting grey dress. I left my hair down in long waves and wore a little bit of make up

"Thank you" I grin "I decided to make a little effort today for some reason"

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"Thank you" I grin "I decided to make a little effort today for some reason"

"Well it paid off"

"Have I ever told you I love your tattoos" I tell her. Shay has a sleeve of tattoos and I've admired them since she got them but we were never close enough for me to say without sounding weird. "I've been meaning to get one but I never seem to get the chance"

"What of?" She asks

"A butterfly"

"I love those, my mom actually has one of her back" We walk into the classroom "I'll talk to you later?"

I nod "See you then" I agree before taking my seat

It's lunch when I see Ryder and Sean for the first time. I'm sitting at a bench table outside because of the warm weather when they sit down across from me

"Oh hey guys" I say putting down my phone

"We heard about what happened earlier" Sean says

When I don't say anything, Ryder adds "with the girls"

"Oh yeah, that's so sweet of them" I grin

"Some people aren't too happy about it" Ryder informs me

I roll my eyes "shocker. We actually have a hospital appointment tonight, I got the email today"

Ryder nods

"So I've told Molly it's just me and her going out for food on Friday so if she mentions it pretend you don't know anything about it"

Ryder and I nod "what times it booked for?"

"Seven" Sean informs us "so you guys will need to be there early"

"Leave the decorating to us" I grin

"Like I'm going to let my eight month pregnant baby mom get up on chairs to decorate" Ryder crosses his arms

"You mean you actually care about us" I feign shock

Ryder rolls his eyes before giving me a cheeky grin "one, I'm not letting anything happen to our baby and two, there's no other girl who can piss me off and still turn me on as much - so no you're not getting on any chairs"

"Can we talk about the fact that you two haven't slept together in eight months" Sean grins "that's like a world record"

"We're friends"

"Who always take the benefits"

"What about you and Molly? Is that just friends?" I retort

"People can be friends" he smirks before adding "just not you two"

"He's hilarious, where did you find him" I turn to Ryder "the zoo?"

Ryder shakes his head "they didn't want him either that's how he ended up with me" he grins

Sean gives us his middle finger

"You love us really"

I went home and got changed into some leggings and a sports bra because they're more suitable for the appointment. Ryder texts me he's outside and not long later we're parking outside the hospital.

"Long time no see you two" Dr Greggs grins once we walk into the room after she calls us "so how has everything been since our last appointment?" She asks

"Everything's went pretty smoothly" I say sitting up on the chair

"Have you had much morning sickness?"

I shake my head "maybe twice a week, if even"

"You're one lucky girl" Dr Greggs grins "so what about everything with my two favourite reality stars"

"Really good" we both say at the same time

"Still keeping it as friends?" She asks

"Yep" Ryder says with a sigh while I say a quiet "yeah"

"You guys almost seem unhappy about that" she smirks

The rest of the appointment is pretty normal the same routine as usual being followed. Emily calls me a few minutes after we get back to Ryders house

I slid the answer button "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey Talia, guess what" she shrieks into the phone, her voice overly happy


"I'm going in holiday" she shrieks "Alex surprised us"

"Oh my god! When and where?"

"Paris and we're leaving tomorrow. Oh I can't wait"

"That's amazing Em, what times your flight at?"


"Send me loads of pictures" I tell her "I'm so jealous"

"Who knows it could be you in a few years"

I look over at Ryder who's trying to put together a baby toy he bought before responding "yeah, who knows"

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