Chapter seven

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"So I actually forgot to mention but you know how it's my moms birthday Monday?" Cammy says to me from across the room. We are currently having a spa day and right now we're getting face masks done


"Well I've booked us in for a week away in New York so I won't be in next week"

"That's cool, tell her I said happy birthday" Cammy and her moms relationship was very close so their holiday didn't come unexpected, even though me, my mom and sister were close we all had busy life's going on so we never really seen each other. Mom was a nurse and she loved her job so she'd work as much hours as she could without needing the money

After the face masks we decided to get our nails done. I decided to go for a simple baby pink while Cammy got hers a mahogany colour

"So how's that love life of yours coming on?" Cammy grins at me

"I'm pretty sure the question is how's yours?"

"Nothings happened yet" she sighs "to be honest I don't know if anything ever will"

"Do you want it to?" 

She nods

"Then you need to stop sitting back and waiting for him to come to you" I smile at her "because I can guarantee he's doing the exact same thing and it's doesn't seem to be working"

"And what if he isn't and I make a fool of myself"

"Babe, he really is"

"Fine. I'll think about it"

I skipped my run Monday morning because the weather had gotten even hotter and I'd most likely pass out if I tried running in it so I'll do it tonight instead

I put on some cycling shorts and a crop top that I paired with a denim jacket because it's school so I didn't want to be too showy

I put on some cycling shorts and a crop top that I paired with a denim jacket because it's school so I didn't want to be too showy

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I got to school early for once and that's when I remembered that Cammy wasn't in for the week. Our school was pretty big, the school itself was one building while out the front door was the car park. Then there was three other exits to get out to the main place students go, there were hundreds of circular picnic tables on the court that overlooked the football field and bleachers. I went to my locker and with another twenty minutes to spare I decided to go outside.

When I walked through the double doors there were hundreds of students already outside, some playing football while others sat in circles with there friends and laughed. I sat down at a spare table and started scrolling through my socials

"Watch out" A voice shouts and I look up from Instagram to see a ball coming straight for my face. Out of instinct I dropped my phone onto the table and caught the ball that was flying towards me

When I moved the ball out of my vision I seen Ryder stop before me and now that I had time to think I recognised it as his voice from before

"I didn't know you could catch a ball" he smirks leaning against the other side of the table

I threw the ball back at him which he caught without a thought "there's a lot of things you don't know"

"Ryder stop flirting and get back here" one of the boys on the field shouts when he was about to respond. Ryder gives me one of his winks before jogging back to the field

I grabbed my phone and bag and decided to make my way to class. Mrs Henry came in a few minutes late and announced that today we'd be working with our partners in class but there's was only one little problem with that

Mine never showed up

I mean where the hell was he, I seen him literally ten minutes ago. I swear if he's at a bootycall I'm going to kill him

"Talia since Ryder isn't in you guys are going to have to catch up at home"

I nod when in reality I wanted to kill him. Now I have to spend even now time with him just because he couldn't keep it in his pants with someone else

At lunch I decided to go outside but the tables were taken so I opted for sitting behind the bleachers. The grass was as high as the top of the bleachers so it was a good place to catch a tan but also get some peace and quiet. Which I was having until that all two familiar voice boomed from behind me

"So what's Talia Ramsay doing up here all alone?" Ryder asks before sitting on front me and crossing his legs like I've done

"This is what happens when your only friend is gone for the week" I inform him

He shakes his head "you do realise you could go up to anyone and they'd be begging you to talk to them"

Ryder was right, in reality I didn't have to be sitting here by myself because I've talked to almost everyone here before. I was actually considered popular by my year yet here I am by myself "ok so maybe I just wanted some time by myself"

"Are you going to do this for the week then?"


"Well you seem to enjoy talking to someone better" He says and I don't respond knowing he's right

He stands up and puts his hand out. Without thinking I put my hand in his and he pulls me up "Now go find someone else to talk to before people find out you actually like me"

"You're such a douche" I grin before turning around and walking away

"Hey Talia, Wait up" A voice shouts from behind me. I turn around and see Tyler running towards me

"Hey Tyler, what's up?"

Tyler slows down once he catches up and walks beside me "not much just thought I'd come say hello"

I smile and we sit down at one of the free tables "I haven't seen you out here in ages"

I nod "I forgot how cool it was out here compared to the cafeteria"

Tyler coughs awkwardly "actually I found something out earlier and I just want to give you fair warning"

"What about?"

"I heard that Helens planning the next school article about you"


He nods "I don't know what it's about but my guess would be it has something to do with mr blue eyes"

"That's great" I sarcastically respond "Wait how do you know"

"Girl are you being serious" he tilts his head and gives me a look "I'm everyone's gay best friend they tell me everything. The secrets I know are huge" he leans forward "speaking of secrets all I've heard all day is how jealous people are of one, how bomb you looked at that boat party and two, how close you were getting to mr blue eyes"

I laugh "we were both drunk"

"Drunk actions, sober thoughts" he winks "so where's Camilla?"

"She's on a trip for the week with her mom"

"Lucky, I cant remember the last time I left this place"

"Tell me about it"

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