Chapter forty

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"Hey" Emily says once I get out of my car

It's currently 5am and for some crazy reason, Emily and I decided to go to a yoga class.

"Yo" I say walking towards her. They studio is busy when we walk in, we drop our yoga mats at the back of the room and wait for the instructor

"How are you?" Emily asks stretching her legs "I heard Sarah had the baby"

I nod and give her a genuine smile "it can be hard but right now I'm in a good place"

She grins "I'm glad. I don't need my baby sister falling off the rocks"

I roll my eyes playfully "anyway how have you been? I haven't seen Alex in ages"

She shrugs but there's still a small smile on her face "we're doing really good. We decided we're going to take things slow - well as slow as things can go when you've already a kid together"

I laugh "so it's official?"

She nods

The instructor, a middle aged french woman, walks in. It's not our first class so we know most the tips and tricks and I'd like to say I'm quite a flexible person.

The class lasts an hour and afterwards we decide to go to get some smoothies.

"We really should do this more often" I say slipping into the seat across from her

Emily nods "every Tuesday and Thursday morning?"

"Sounds like a plan"

"I forgot to ask how are things with Ryder?"

"We're back to being friends" I tell her

"I'm glad you two bounce off each other" she smiles "he makes you smile"

"Yeah because of his stupidity"

She shrugs "well I haven't seen your teeth as much"

"Mom paid good money for my braces when I was thirteen they'd want to be seen" I joke

She rolls her eyes "did I ever tell you, your defense mechanisms are my favourite?"

I childishly stick my tongue out at her

I go home to shower and change before going to school. The day went pretty quickly and it's lunch before I know it. Ryder and I didn't have any classes together today and rumour has it he and Sean bagged themselves lunchtime detention.

"Hey" Loren slides into the seat across from me

"Yo" I say putting my phone down. Dani and Shay both take their seats

Dani opens her salad box "has anyone heard the news?" When we don't say anything she continues with distaste "Helens supposed to be throwing this huge birthday bash this weekend"

Loren rolls her eyes "shocker the queen bee needs to be centre of attention"

"Any other party and I'd go live it up" Shay huffs

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