Chapter thirty-six

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Ryders PoV
I hit rock bottom and I hit it hard. I started drink way too much, started smoking again and not leaving my house. But then Sean pulled me back up and even though I'm still bothered and upset I know I have to keep going - even if I have the odd cigarette to help me along the way

Seeing Talia at school this week really resurfaced old wounds. When we first lost the baby I was obviously upset but I expected myself to get over it in a day or two, what I didn't expect it to do was to make me feel this way for so long

I noticed how Talia had her usual stomach back with prominent abs and not to mention the fact my biceps were probably bigger than it. I couldn't help but wonder how she'd lost the weight so quickly and if she done it safety. We haven't talked since the night she stayed at my place and seeing each other at school over the past week hasn't changed that.

There's a knock on the front door before it opens and Sean walks in with Molly trailing behind him

"We brought groceries" Molly says holding up two bags of food

"As much as I appreciate it, you two really don't need to buy me food every week"

"And then you survive off pasta all week because we all know it was Talia buying the food" Molly jokes but realises who she mentioned

"Doesn't mean you guys have to start taking care of me" I say suddenly feeling like I'm wasting their time. I stand up and take the bags off Molly and proceed to put them away while Molly and Sean take a seat

Seans coughs awkwardly "I heard Danté is still looking for staff, you sure you don't want to go back to work?"

I lean against the counter and shake my head "I'm thinking of starting a future career instead" I tell him. I've spent the last few months thinking about what I want my life to be like and I feel like I've finally decided

"What are you thinking?" Molly asks


Sean shrugs not surprised "I guess you have been boxing most your teenage years"

"Speaking of Talia" Sean says his voice softer than usual "are you two ever going to start talking again? You guys had built such an amazing friendship, should ye not be grieving together?"

I let out a deep breath and cross my arms before making a pretty obvious attempt at changing the subject "I actually have to get to the gym"

Sean nods "I'll see you at school tomorrow then"


The next day I get up an hour after my alarm went off. Unsurprisingly I had ten missed calls from Sean and even more messages asking where I was. I text him back letting him know I slept in and I'll be there in awhile.

I have a shower and throw on a random black T-shirt and grey shorts. I take my motorbike to school because it makes parking easier.

The corridor is as good as empty, class still midway through. The door behind me opens just as I walk past, but I don't care enough to look back. That is until an all too familiar voice speaks "Ryder Smith" Harrison, an old friend says.

"Harrison" I say briefly turning around to look at him with distaste in my voice. It'd be an understatement to say we ended on a bad note

I turn back around and continue to walk away not interested in any further interaction.

"Don't go, I thought we could have a conversation" he speaks his voice has evident smugness in it

"Not interested"

His footsteps can be heard behind me "I heard about the baby, maybe it's a good thing that happened. I never thought fatherhood was for you"

I grip my T-shirt trying my hardest to ignore his taunts and keep walking

"Or maybe" he laughs "I could try it with good old Talia, I always have thought she was hot"

Without a second thought, I turn around and land a left hook on his nose blood gushing out of it straight away. I hit another one to his jaw before he catches the side of my eye and I feel the blood trickle down the side of my face. He grabs the neck of my shirt as I hit his nose again and pulls the T-shirt until it rips. I lift my hand to throw another punch but hesitate when I hear a voice

"Ryder, stop" she says her voice soft

I push Harrison away "say something like that again and you won't be walking away"

Talia grabs my arm and pulls me into the school gym. She shoves me towards the treadmills where I sit down and look back up at her

Even in this situation I find myself checking her out, she somehow made her casual outfit look so good

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Even in this situation I find myself checking her out, she somehow made her casual outfit look so good.

"What the hell was that?" She asked crossing her arms

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"What the hell was that?" She asked crossing her arms. She rolls her eyes when she notices I my eyes were trained on where her jumper had lifted

"He was talking shit" I defend

"I heard what he said" she throws back "but why did y-"

"Mr Smith follow me right now" the principal snaps interrupting Talia "and Ms Ramsay get to class"


"Wait so you guys talked?" Sean almost shouts across the table at lunch

"Oh my god, be quiet you sound like a teenage girl"

"Shut up, no I don't. Now answer the question"

I huff "if two sentences count as talked then yes we talked"

"So you guys could be friends again?" He asks

I shrug "I don't know but hopefully"

"Then do something about it" he tells me "it's been months, if you guys aren't going to be friends at least get the closure. But for the record I'd prefer the first one because school isn't school without your bickering"

I glance over at Talia who's sitting with a few girls I recognise from the cheer team. She seems happy, laughing at something someone said. I decide there's no time like the present and pick up my phone. I select her name and type out the message

Can we meet up later

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