Chapter twenty eight

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Monday came around before I knew it. My alarm woke me up at an ungodly hour and after minutes of deliberating I decided to finally get out of bed. I had a shower, brushed my teeth and done my skincare. I decided on wearing some gym leggings, runners and a Nike sweatshirt that covers my bump.

"Hey mom" I grin as I walk into the kitchen. Unexpectedly since I told her I'm pregnant we've actually got closer

"Hey sweetie, you want some pancakes?"

I nod and sit at the island "that'd be amazing"

A few minutes later, a plate of pancakes drizzled with maple syrup is placed on front of me. "Thank you" I say as mom sits across from me with a cup of coffee in her hand

"So without me sounding like a pushy grandparent when are you and baby d planning on telling everyone about our new addition to the family" I laugh, mom has got into the habit of calling Ryder baby d "it's not that I want to brag about it or anything" she jokes

I laugh subconsciously rubbing my stomach "I'll talk to him today, how about that"

"Sounds perfect"

I got to school with a few minutes to spare so
I decided to put some things in my locker to pass time. Someone leans up against the locker beside me and I notice the stench straight away

I huff and roll my eyes before turning to face cammy

"What do you want now?" I ask "your nine lives are running out"

"Are you calling me a cat?" She screeches

"No, I'm calling you a pus-"

"Oh hey Camilla what are you doing here? Begging for forgiveness? Newsflash it's not going to work" Ryder interrupts before I can finish my sentence

Cammy rolls her eyes "you're still associating yourself with her? Seriously Ryder do you know what that's doing to your reputation"

Ryder steps on front of her, facing me so that neither of us can even see her. After a second her heels are heard stomping down the corridor

"I wasn't going to interrupt because you seemed to have the whole thing handled but I'd prefer if you didn't get in a cat fight while.." his eyes cast a glance towards my stomach

I laugh "speaking of that, moms actually begging to shout it from the roof tops. She wants to know when we're going to tell everyone"

"Tell everyone what?" Sean asks standing beside us

I hesitate before answering "that I'm planning on having a party"

"She's right" Ryder nods in agreement "so how was your trip"

Sean's just back from a month long trip to the Maldives

"Amazing, I'm even on planning on going back in the summer"

"That's amazing" I smile

"That's great bro" Ryder says "actually could you come over to mine tonight, I wanna tell you something"

"Sure I'll come round after work" Sean curiously raises an eyebrow "but for now I'm going to head to class"

We both say a quick goodbye before Ryder turns to me "better sooner than not"

I nod "true doesn't mean I'm not shitting myself"

"Me either" he sighs "you got anyone from school you want to bring over to break the news?"

I shake my head "I don't have any friends remember?"

"That's not true, you have me, Sean and I'm sure there's hundreds of other people here who want to be your friend but you're not exactly open to making any"

"Whatever" I mutter when Ryder gives me the 'am I wrong' look of his

School itself went pretty quickly. I had a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach all day but I'm also really excited for everyone just to know and the whole pregnancy not be a secret

"Meet me at my place?" Ryder asks as we walk down the steps to the car park

I nod "give me an extra few minutes I've a stop to make first"

It only took fifteen minutes before I was parked in Emily's driveway. "Great Alex is here, two birds, one stone" I note as I get out of my car

I have a spare key so I let myself in. I walked through the house expecting to see Em watching Alex play with Oliver - what I didn't expect to see was my sister naked on the couch with her baby daddy on top of her, the only thing covering them is the blanket draped across them

I turn around so quick that I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash "you literally told me like two days ago you were keeping it as friends. This is not usually what friends do"

The screeches from behind me, tell me they only realised my presence now

"Talia what are you doing here?" Emily asks and the highness of her voice would make me laugh in any other situation

"Just thought I'd come see my wonderful sister you know" I joke "hi Alex, don't think I didn't see you there"

I hear Alexs laugh before his voice "Hey Talia, do you always walk in on people or is it just a new habit?"

"Definitely a new habit, there's such a thrill to it you know" I take a breath before delivering the bombshell "I hope you two were wearing a condom don't want to end up in my situation now do we?"

The silence that followed had me squeezing my eyes shut

Did they even understand what I meant?

"Your pregnant?"

I guess they did

"Technically yes I am pregnant. Four months to be exact, can't wait to meet our bundle of joy" I ramble

"Who's the dad?" Alex asks and I hear him mutter 'ow' 

"My sisters pregnant and tour first question is who's the dad?" Emily shrieks

"What else am I supposed to say?" He throws back "well done you're not a virgin?"

"Far from it actually" I add

Emily huffs "oh my god! You two are actually impossible"

"Anyway now that that's out in the open I need to go to Ryders house" I say walking out of the living room

"So Ryders the dad?" Ales shouts after me

"That he is" I shout back "hope I didn't ruin the moment or anything. Have fun and when Oli wakes up try have some clothes on, wouldn't want to traumatise him too"

I stopped and got us food on the way to Ryders - probably way more than we'll actually eat but I'm eating for two

"I brought food" I say lifting the bags in the air when Ryder lets me in

"Great, I'm starving" Ryder grins

"So I told Emily about the baby" I tell him after a few minutes

"One more person down" he says "I'm gonna text mom tonight"

"Text her?" I ask

He nods "you know her Tal. Imagine the shit she'd talk after I said it"

I nod in agreement "I get you"

Ryders phone ringing from beside us stops him from responding

"Hello" he says after answering the phone "yeah that's me" after a few seconds he speaks again "I'm on my way"

Worry overcomes me "what's wrong?"

"It's Sean" Ryder looks at me with panic in his eyes "he was in an accident. We need to go now"

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