Chapter twenty one

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"What?!" I shriek "Alex is Oli's dad? I didn't know you guys even talked that much"

"You didn't guess?"

"What? How would I guess?"

"Um I don't know, maybe the fact you walked in on him literally playing Oli. Didn't find that odd"

"Well yeah but I thought he was just visiting old friends from before he left"

We make eye contact before we both burst out laughing at my stupidity

"Anyway so remember how I said it was a friends with benefits thing?" She asks and I nod "well it was and you're right me and Alex didn't really talk in school but it was the night of graduation and we were both so drunk that we just got carried away"

"So you done the whole friends with benefits thing for three years?" I asked doing the math because it was three years later when she got pregnant

She nods "and I obviously got attached"

"So what happened when you found out you were pregnant?"

"He was with me when I found out and we got into this stupid argument about what we were going to do with the baby - I wanted to keep it, he wanted to live his life" she sighs "the argument ended in me throwing things at him, him slamming the door as he left and me spending the rest of the day crying"

She takes a few seconds break "I never told him what I really wanted - which was to have our baby and maybe even become a family and two months later I found out through other people that he'd left town to go backpacking" she looks at me a regretful look in her eyes "and that's why I did what I did and resented Oli and I hate myself for it now"

"So the first time you heard from him was when he got back"

She nods "you're probably wondering why I even let him back into our life. I guess part of me still likes him and the other part of me knows neither of us were in the right head space at the time. I made mistakes too"

"You know that's really mature of you" I tell her "so how has it been since he got back?"

"He's really stepped in and Oli even called him 'Dada' yesterday and I swear his face lit up and I can tell he regrets leaving when he did and I regret letting him"

"I'm really happy for you Em" I smile "now when was the last time you went out?"

"I don't even remember" she laughs

"Well pick a day and I'll babysit"

"You don't mind?"

I shake my head "of course not obviously I can't do it when I'm at the wedding but any other day"

"Tomorrow night?" She asks



Babysitting that night went pretty smoothly along with everything else coming up to the wedding. It's currently the day before the wedding and I'm doing some last minute preparation.

I decided to get my lashes and nails done.

I decided to get my lashes and nails done

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