Chapter six

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"What time is it?" I mutter walking into the kitchen. Thankfully Cammys family were away so I didn't have to worry about strutting around with my hangover while wearing a pink tshirt dress

Cammy puts two bowls of cereal down on the table "eighth am" I look over at her in shock "What? We both know the best way to help a hangover is to go for a run"

"Actually that only works for you because you don't get hangovers"

"Well we're going anyway" she grins at me "now eat up"

It was eleven by the time we had finished our run and showered and I hated to admit it but I felt a lot better than I did earlier

Cammy had homework to catch up on so I decided to go home and catch up on some of my own as well. When I walked in the front door I stopped in my tracks at the sight on front of me. Emily was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed while Alex sat on front of her with Oli on his lap while the played with toy cars

"Talia, I thought you were at Cammy's?" Emily turns towards me

"We both had homework to get done" I inform her and the panic on her face makes me say what I say next "anyway I better get to that homework, it was good to see you Alex"

Alex nods at me and I run up to my room. To distract myself I get straight into my studies and it was a twenty minutes later when I got a message

I picked up my phone to see it was a message from Ryder

I picked up my phone to see it was a message from Ryder

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I guess you're cute when you wanna be🤭

The photo itself was enough to trigger my memories from last night, the games, the jumping off boats, the tattoo, what I almost said

I really am an idiot

Even with the memories returning I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face

Even with the memories returning I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face

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Hey look you too🤫

My bedroom door opened and Emily peeped her head in

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