Chapter 5

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*Alyssa's P.O.V.

"Two rooms please." Uncle Mitch says to the to the lady at the front desk. The lady at the desk looks me up and down as if saying I know what you did.

We arrived in London a little over a hour ago. I love and hate being back at this place. So many things I regret doing and now I'm stuck with the consequences. It's my actions that changed me, and everything I believe in.

"How long will you be staying?" The lady at the desk, with a very high pitched and annoying voice asks. Everyone turns me as if I an answers for everything. I shrug, I was kind of just going to go with the flow. "Um, we can leave Wednesday."

Today is Monday, so that give us today and tomorrow to catch up on sleep. Then we'll just go from there.

"Rooms 121 and 123. I hope you enjoy your stay at the Fairway Inn." She says.

"Here Alyssa you can have this room, I trust you enough to not do anything stupid right?" I hesitantly nod. He said that last time before...

"She's fine dad." Grant says noticing my hesitation to answer.

"Alright, I guess we'll leave you to get your sleep?" I nod.

"Wait dad, uh.. you don't mind if I hang out with Alyssa tonight do you? I mean that is if it's okay with her," Grant says knowing how it is for me to fall asleep.

"Its fine with me," I say backing him up.

"I don't know. I know how tired you are Alyssa, I wouldn't want him to intrude." Uncle Mitch replies.

"Its fine really."

"Besides dad, Alyssa and I have a lot to talk about." Grant says. I look at him wide eyed.

"Oh alright, but try to get some sleep. Don't stay up all night talking you two." That's it? No questions asked? Wow that was easier than I expected.

I slide my key into the lock unlocking my room. We both enter in closing the door behind us before I yell at him. "Grant! You don't realize how close that was, I'm not wanting to have this conversation with your dad!"

"Alyssa, you can't just act like this never happened. It did happen and you need to change your behavior."

"No Grant! I can't, this is the biggest mistake I have made. How the hell am I going to explain this?" I say crying. Grant pulls me into a hug calming me down.

"Shhh. It's going to be okay, I'm here for you. You'll get through this one way or another." He says rubbing my back.

"Grant, you will be the perfect boyfriend to someone day you know? If you can put up with me you should be able to put up with any girl." I tell him and he smiles a million dollar smile cheering me up.

"I know how hard this may be for you, but it'll get easier. Just hang on a little longer, you'll see." I smile.

"Hey let's get you some sleep, you've dealt with a lot today." He says, but being the eighteen year old I am I argue.

"No way! I'm not tired! Besides it's only.." I stop to look at the clock on the night stand. "It's only five o'clock in the morning." I say shrugging like it's nothing. "That's means it's only nine back home."

He shakes his head at me. "Oh my, how are you going to survive this trip?"

"Tomorrow, I'm heading into downtown London. Would you like to come?" I nod.

"Of course I would. Spending time with you keeps my mind off other things." I say, him knowing exactly what I'm talking about.

"Good! Now I don't care if I have to put on sleeping pills, you are going to sleep. I plan on spending the whole day in London."

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