Night Changes ~ One Direction
American Noise ~ SkilletDon't kill me, but I'm skipping past the part where Alyssa and Kenna talk about the baby daddy. ;) Kenna knows but you guys don't sorry, but I have it all planned out. Who do you think baby daddy is??
*Alyssa's P.O.V.
"What!? You can't be telling he's the father!" She says scolding me at how irresponsible I've become."He is, okay! Can we stop talking about this?" I ask. I mean we have been talking about it the whole time we were at the mall, and I didn't even get most of my Christmas shopping started. It initially started as a personal shopping trip, but considering Christmas is two weeks away and I have yet to buy my gifts I decided to begin.
"Do you know what you're going to get Lou for his birthday?" Kenna asks breaking our silence. She's driving this time, so she quickly looked at me then back at the road.
"No, I have no idea what he would want."
"Are you guys like friends or what?" She asks. I'm sure it's out or curiousity, because I'm curious about what Louis and I are now.
"I'm not sure. We've not given it much thought, nor have we had a chance to talk about it." I say, trying hard to not show that I've been avoiding him.
"Alyssa, when we get back you're talking to him. I don't care if I have to drag you by your fucking ponytail I'm stopping my brothers pain. It's hard for me, I don't want to choose sides, but he's family, and I feel like you'd do the same thing if it was me and your older brother." She says explaining. .
"Ew, that's very disturbing." I say shaking at the image of my best friend and my brother.
There's only two things I regret in my life:
1. Breaking up with Louis
2. Everything that happened while in AmericaIf I could I would take it all back I would. You don't think I actually asked to be pregnant by 18 do you? I wanted to wait until I was married, or at least with Louis. That's why I was so quick to sleep with him, because then I might be able to get him to think it's his even though it's not.
I know it sounds pathetic, but I'm desperate. When I told the baby's father I was pregnant he left me without another word. I don't want to have this baby unless I have the support from someone. At this point I don't care if Lou and I never date again, I just want him there.
"You know I'm not going to make you talk to him right away, but you are talking to him. You don't have to tell him this, because that's a lot for someone to take in, but you can't avoid him anymore."
She's right. I'm making everyone pick between me and him. It's not fair on either of us. I'm playing this game on him and I'd be surprised if he hasn't giving up yet. I've been playing games with his head for the longest time now. Promising things like marriage, and a family only to break up with him after we had sex.
"Ow, what was that for!?" I ask rubbing my arm.
"You weren't paying attention, so I had to get your attention." She says shrugging like it was no bug deal.
"Instead of shaking my shoulder you decided to slap me? That makes so much sense." I say rolling my eyes, smacking her arm back. "Anyways, what did you need?"
"I was asking if you were coming in. You were so caught up in whatever thoughts were on your mind you didn't notice that I stopped the car." She says, causing me to notice we were parked outside her house.
"Yeah, I'm coming." I say slowly getting out of the vehicle and taking careful strides to the door.
When I finally make it to the MaKenna looks at me with a sorry look. It's literally written all over her face. "What?" I ask as I get to the door.
"Nothing, just get in there." She says pushing me inside.
Right into Louis, causing my to nearly fall until he catches me.
"Are you alright there?" He asks nervously.
"Oh um.. Yeah, thanks for uh.. Catching me. I'm sorry for bumping into you." I say nervous as well. It's pretty obvious with us we don't know how we're supposed to interact in awkward situations.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, whatever is going on, but I'm going to be in my room if either or you need me." Kenna say sending a wink my way, forcing my eyes to widen.
"Still not used to this family?" He asks chuckling at my previous action.
"Yeah not really. You'd like I would be considering how much I was over here, and how we were so close to an engagement." I say not meaning to mention the last part.
"Lottie told you?" He asked.
"Well yes, but I make so much sense, the way you acted anyways. I feel so bad for making you spend that money on a ring and then not even get to ask the question."
"It's fine. I don't mind, I've told I would spend every penny I have on you."
"I know you said that, but with that money you could've done so much more. I don't want you wasting it on me."
"Alyssa, I love you, but shut up. It's my money I'll spend it on whatever or whomever I choose." He says carefully intertwining my left hand with his right.
"I'm sorry Louis." I say tearing up as soon as feel his touch again.
"Babe what's wrong?" He asks with concern.
"It's just... It's everything." I say debating whether to tell him.
"Shhh. It's alright." The boy whispers in my ear hugging me, and rubbing my back. I wrap arms around him too, suddenly being flooded with all this emotion.
"Hey, do you want to talk about it?" He says rubbing my back gently and ever so kindly.
"Hey Lou can you grab me a beer?" Niall yells from the other room, and Louis just ignores it.
"Just ignore him, you're more important than his beer." He says, resting my on his shoulder.
"Dude what the fuck!" Niall yells, and you can hear him aggressively move our way. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you two were having a moment. I'll just grab me a beer then head back to the living room." He says awkwardly, slinky back into the "man cave".
"I'm sorry Louis, I didn't realize you still had the boys over. I'll get out of your hair." I say beginning to lift my head
"It's only Niall, he's only watching the game. I'd much rather be here with you then watching the game." He says, placing my head back on his shoulder. "Now please tell me what's wrong."
"I-I-I still love you Louis, and I regret breaking up with you." I say. It's true that I do regret the break up, but I couldn't find the guts to tell him I was pregnant.
"I love you too Alyssa, but I've been thinking about this a lot. I was thinking it would be best if we were just friends. It's true that a lot has changed, and I don't want to be in a relationship until we both know each other." He says.
"I'd love that. I agree, mainly because I'm not in any shape to be in a relationship, and I know I said I regret our break up but you're right. We don't know each other anymore." I say.
"Good, so friends it is." He says wiping my tears. "Two things before we shake on it, I'm still the only one allowed to kiss you." He says cockily.
"What's the last one?"
"You look extremely beautiful." He says kissing my forehead.
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Kik: daydreamer1324
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Slowly Healing (Sequel to Jerk Theory)
FanfictionIt's been 6 months since Alyssa was shipped back to America. She stayed with her Uncle Mitchell and his son Grant and finished high school. Her parents had hoped this would help her, but things happened while she was away. She lost contact with Loui...