Best Mistake ~ Ariana Grande
*Alyssa's P.O.V.
"Our cab's going to be here soon." Grant says walking over to me. After his conversation with Louis he went to the closest pay phone and called for a cab. I stayed from a far watching the two boys converse. Something wasn't right though. I feel like I should've been there listening.
One minute they were just normal boys having a conversation, laughing and smiling acting like they've known each other for years. It made me smile at the sight. The very little part of the old me that I held onto reminded me how much I cared for both boys. Obviously in different ways.
Their laughter and smiles are soon replaced with seriousness and frowns. A lot of lip biting coming from Louis, you know the way you do when you're nervous. Grant stops talking and that's when Louis begins. He takes his eyes off my cousin and they land on me.
I love her.
His lips read. Then adverted his eyes back to my cousin, finishing their conversation.
"What did you tell him?" I say worriedly as he sits down.
"It doesn't really matter, I just said some things I thought were necessary." He says tying his shoe.
Once his shoe is tied, he stands up telling me that he's going outside to wait for the cab. He begins walking off without me and I actually start thinking staying here may be the smarter idea. Then again if I stay here I have to deal with whatever Grant told Louis, and by going back it gives me time to stale time.
I finally came up with conclusion that going back to the room would be better, because I am really tired and Louis is coming over with his sisters later. I get up and slowly make my way in the direction Grant left. "So you finally decided to join me?" He says with a chuckle.
"Don't talk talk to me." I say seriously. He chuckles and just shakes his head.
I look to my right and see an elderly women sitting alone on the bench. I sat down beside her and get my headphones out and plug them into my phone to kill time. I put one headphone in and begin flipping through my playlists deciding which one I want to choose. Finally settling on the playlist titled 'When I love you...'. I put the list on shuffle and listened to the songs for when I feel like there's nothing left, but the happiness I left behind.
"You look like a girl that needs to talk," the women beside me says.
"You have no idea, but I don't know how or what to say with out hurting the ones I care about," I say honestly. The lady gives me a questionable look, telling me to go on. I knew I wasn't ready to come back. I should've just stayed back, I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in now. Well I would, but I wouldn't have to worry about my life catching up to me.
"I left the country for some time, and while I was away I did some things I'm not proud of. I'm stuck with it now knowing that if I tell him he would give up on me." I really don't know why I'm talking to this stranger. I don't even know her name, but she offered. Now here I am talking to an old women about my problems.
"Oh dear, don't cry," she says pulling me into a hug making me only want to cry more. "Now I'm going to tell you this, because you remind me of my own daughter before she passed. Honey, it's not about the who, what, where or how. It's all matters on the when. When you tell him, the longer you wait the more it'll anger him, but take your time too. Be one hundred percent honest when you do tell him,'' she tells me rubbing my back trying to calm me down. It doesn't really work, but I try for here sake.
Louis is the only that can calm you down by rubbing your back.
"Now promise me you're going to tell him." I nodded not really sure if I would keep it. I smile my best showing her I'll at least think about it.

Slowly Healing (Sequel to Jerk Theory)
FanfictionIt's been 6 months since Alyssa was shipped back to America. She stayed with her Uncle Mitchell and his son Grant and finished high school. Her parents had hoped this would help her, but things happened while she was away. She lost contact with Loui...