Chapter 18

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Black Widow ~ Iggy Azelea
Night Changes ~ One Direction
Photograph ~ Ed Sheeran
Because of You ~ Kelly Clarkson

*Louis' P.O.V.

"Of course you don't,she's been lying to you. She's been saying she loves you out of pity. She's been dealing with her mistakes so much lately, she forgot your birthday Lou."

"I'm glad you're trying to protect me, but I'll be fine." I reassure her.

"You won't be when you find out she's pregnant." She mumbles, to where I almost don't catch it.

"What?" I ask with confusion."She told me-"

"That she wasn't, yeah I was there. I told her to tell you. She refuses, don't ask me why, but she doesn't want you to know."


"You're lying!" I exclaim.

"Why would I be lying? She's my best friend, and told me not to tell you."

"Why wouldn't she want me to know she's pregnant?" I ask.

"I don't know, something about her not wanting you to get involved." She says quietly.

"Well of course I'm going to get involved I'm not going to ditch her after knocking her up! I'm not going to be dad!"

"Instead of yelling at me, why don't you go over and ask her?! She'd be able to answer more questions than me!" She yells back at me.

"I can't, if I do it'll end up in a screaming match."

"Just listen to her. Lou, let her explain, you can't yell at her every time you're mad. If you want this relationship with her to work out you need to find a new way to let out your anger." Kenna says, trying to calm me down.

"I can't! If I do I'll end up like dad, and nobody wants that," I say refusing to cry.

"Lou, do you want your relationship with Alyssa to work?"

Do I? I don't even know who she is anymore. Is she worth the heartache she keeps causing me?

"Louis, you shouldn't have to think about this. I thought you'd do anything for her. Wasn't your love unbreakable?"

"I don't even know anymore. If it was we wouldn't be in this situation." I say pulling my hair out.

She's right, I shouldn't be here yelling at her. It's not my sisters fault, she was just helping a friend I guess.

"I have to go," I tell her storming out of the house. I need to get out of here before I punch a hole in the wall.

I get in my car slamming the door shut driving somewhere.

Before I can tell myself to turn back and go somewhere else I knock on the door.

"Louis? My what a surprise this is, we weren't expecting to see you until later." She says.

"I know, but I really need to talk to you." I say. It's a desperate moment that.

"So you drove for three hours, all the to London just to talk?" She asks laughing. "Come on in, I'll make you some tea and then we can talk."

I smile, it's amazing how we've become friends. I'm thankful to be able to talk to Emma whenever I need.

"Okay, so tell me what's got little Louis down and made him drive all the way to London just to talk to me." She says handing me a cup of tea.

"Shut up! I'm the same age as you!" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, now you are. Yesterday you were nineteen and I was twenty." She says sticking her tongue out at me. "Okay, enough about this. What's got you upset on your birthday."

"The girl I love." I say, looking down at my hands.

"Care to explain?"

"I'm sue by now you know Alyssa's back?" I ask just to clarify.

"Yeah, Dylan told me."

"Well, I just found out today something that's bugging me." I say, strangling on about the issue. She nods, telling me to continue. I explain everything, looking up at her to see her nodding.

"Wow, if anyone has a complicated relationship it's you two."

"Mama?" I hear a little boy say walking from around the corner.

"Hang on," she says directing towards me. "What is it baby?"

"Where's daddy and sissy?" The boy of age three ask.

"They went out, they had to go buy Uncle Louis a birthday present."

"Okay." He says frowning.

"Hey, why are you frowning little man?!" I ask him.

"Uncle Louis!" He exclaims running into my arms.

"Hey little man, it's great to see you, but I really need to talk to your mummy. It's a really short trip okay? I'll see you tomorrow though." I tell him.

"You heard him Ryan, get up to your room. Mummy will be up when Uncle Louis leaves okay?" He nods and run to his room.

"You and Dylan make some really cute kids." I say smiling.

"I'm sure you and Alyssa do too. You're not planning on walking out on her are you?" She asks fully aware of how I felt about this since ninth grade.

"Hell no! I'm not becoming my lame excuse of a father. It's just Kenna said something about her not wanting me in the child's life."

"Louis, you need to talk to her and try to control your temper when you do so."she says.

"I'm really sorry this happened. Just trust me, everything will work out. Just look at Dylan and me. We started off hating hating each other, now our wedding is in two months. If you and Alyssa really were meant to be then it will all work out, if not then it's not the end of the world. Just talk to her. I'm not saying what she did is right, but at least hear her out." She says, and I nod.

"Thanks Emma, I really am happy for you and Dylan. You both deserve each other." I say giving her a hug.

"You deserve someone too, Louis. You just may not have found her yet."

"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Tell Ryan I'm sorry I had to leave you early. I'll make it up I promise." I say, walking to the door.

After we say our final goodbyes I close the door behind me and start driving to Alyssa's house.

A/N: Alright this chapter is really short but the next one I PROMISE will be the chapter you're all waiting for. I just wanted to give you guys something as a little Christmas present I guess.

-Autumn <3

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