"There's the slut! I heard she slept with Cassius and his dad." I tuned them out.
"I heard she took them at the same time." Heat filled my cheeks.
"She's a real cock slut. She likes it in the ass." I can never see the Reeves men ever again. I've learned so much about my relationship to them this week that has scarred me. I've been on the verge of crying every day this week, but I've somehow managed to keep it together. I adjusted my glasses before continuing my path to Cassius' car.

"Hey, isn't this the slut we've heard so much about." I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. I felt pressure on my shoulder as I was pushed against a wall. I glared at the two men in front of me. One of them had green hair and the other had blue. Edgy bastards.
"We heard how good you are at taking two guys."
"Yeah, come and show us what you can do." I rolled my eyes before swiftly kicking both of them in the balls. I elbowed the both of them in the temple before kicking their legs.

Stupid bitches thinking that I'm a weakling. They don't understand how growing up in the slums of Detroit can make a girl tough. I wiped angry tears off my face before getting into his car.
"You're late," Cassius said with all emotion void in his voice. That was all it took to make me break into tears. I can't take it anymore. I hate being the poor girl. I hate that they think I'm some slut. I hate Cassius for being a rude asshole. He probably put them up to this so that I'd leave him alone. I dug my palms into my eyes to stop the tears from slipping out.

            He stopped driving and parked somewhere. That ride was too short to be the ride home, so I looked out the window. We were at some burger joint that is never heard of. Cassius surprised me by opening my door for me and waited for me to get out. Together, we walked into the joint. The inside was literally a scene from a movie with 50's style booths and tables as well as a checkered floor. There was a honest to god boombox on one end and the walls were horrendously decorated, yet, it was homey. The atmosphere was fun and light and the costumers as well as the staff had huge smiles on their face.

I slid into a booth with Cassius sitting across from me. The waitress came over to our table and gasped before throwing her arms around him. She was a pretty lady with short curly hair and the thinnest eyebrows I've seen. She had a big chest and an infectious smile. It was startling that she hugged him. I looked at Cassius who was grinning, not smirking, but grinning. He had dimples that I never noticed because I've been so busy ignoring him. His salt and pepper hair was slicked back today and his tan skin was creeping from under the collar of his shirt. He's an attractive guy, and his athletic build does nothing but assert that fact.

             "You haven't been here in forever!" The waitress tugged his cheek.
            "I know, I'm sorry. Can I get two of the usual and a chocolate milkshake please?" He has manners? The waitress turned to me.
            "That's fine with you too?" I nodded; I can't trust my voice yet. I bet I sound like courage the cowardly dog. Cassius looked at me and I lifted a brow.

             "Your eyes are two different colors." He laughed and I saw a glimmer of silver in his mouth.
            "Yeah, this one," he pointed to the right one, "is like 2/3 brown." That's crazy how that happens.
              "Do you get it from your mother's side?" He nodded then stared off for a second.
             "Yeah, my mom had all the good genes." I looked at him curiously and opened my mouth to say something, but the milkshake was placed in front of me. I widened my eyes at the huge drink set in front of me.

            "There's no way I can drink all of this." He shrugged.
          "Drink it, don't drink it. I don't care what you do. As long as you don't cry." So he did notice. I blushed as I took a sip. The massive amount of flavor rushed to my mouth made me nearly die of happiness. My god it's so good. I took another drink.
         "What's got you so upset that you're crying?" I blushed and looked down. I cannot tell him.
          "Just some people talking."
          "Yeah sounds like you have it easier than me. Everyone keeps asking if we're fucking and it's getting annoying." I choked on some of my shake at how forward he was.

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