Chapter 8

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Tris's POV

Zeke sighs, "okay fine, but you would you need to be fast."

"We will" Four says. This dude is confusing.

We run for a little bit later longer before we reach my old street.

Zeke and Will tear the boards of the abandon barn. I blink tears from my eyes.

Caleb and I used to play here after school. I sigh and turn around sit and wait for them to be done.

"All clear" we pile in the barn.

"While Tris and Four go to wherever the hell there going who's going into town with me?"

Will and Lynn volunteer.

Zeke rolls his eyes "Uriah that means you're in charge, don't screw everything up."

Uriah scoffs and they leave.

Marlene hands me a gun, "good luck, don't get bit."

I roll my eyes "thanks," I say sarcastically.

She smiles and walks over to hay barrel, sitting on it.

Four is waiting for me outside.

He nods his head. I nod in return. We run to my house.

"This one," I say in a hushed tone.

He looks at it suspiciously. "There're no damages."

"Okay," I nod.

"What does that mean?"

"It means there're are no damages."

He turns the nob and it's locked.

He grabs a rock and smashes it at the window with a grunt.

He unlocks the window and the door shatters. Glass cutting at his arm.

I gasp, "are you okay?"

He just nods.

He steps in through the window. I follow after him.

"What are we looking for?"

"Anything that's useful," he replies.

I sigh and look around.

What happened in the time that I was asleep. Is caleb alive? My parents? Did they survive? If not how long was it until they got bit? Are they dead now? Are they still walking the streets? Where are they?

I wipe my tears from my eyes.

I open my bedroom door.

Desk on one side with my books shelf on the other. My bed in the center of the room. Television on the dresser. I look at the book on the side of my dresser.

My diary.

I take it and flip to the last page.

*i know it he does, I wish I could feel the same way, but I dont, I freaking don't. Robert, no. the way he looks at me. It gives it all away. I don't understand why he finds me desirable. I am not. I am as radiant as the sun.*

I sigh. Where is Robert? Hopefully not a walker. I realize I'm saying if rather him be dead. I can't believe I'm saying id rather he be dead.

I take my diary and shove it in my bag.

I hear four scream.

I run down the stairs, "WHAT?"


I kick him in the leg.


"TWINKIES," he screams. I roll my eyes.

"Your voice is going to attract walkers Four."

"We need to get going." He says, I nod.

He shoves as much food as he could fit into his bag.

We leave. We get back and Zeke Lynn and Will haven't returned.

I sit next to Christina and sigh.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" Four screams as he runs in the barn.

"NO WAY LET ME SEE," Uriah gets up and runs over to food.

"TWINKIES," he screams.

He grabs one and rips it open. Eating it in two bites.

He sighs. "Me and my love have been reunited." Four rolls his eyes and sets the bag on the floor.

I pull out my diary and the pen that goes with it and start to write.


I have been told I've been in a coma for a while. Months actually. I'm still convinced that this is a school play. There are nine of us including myself. None gone, yet. As of now I am Tris Prior and I am a survivor.

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