Chapter 2

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The first week with the Dixon brothers at the camp went by fairly uneventfully.

The brothers had a tent and couple sleeping bags in the back of their truck so you showed them were they could set up their tent near the others. They both seemed to pull their weight around camp, even Merle pitched in, collecting firewood and going out hunting with his brother occasionally.

The others around camp seemed to be a bit weary of the brothers, which was fair enough, especially with half the shit Merle says. You were honestly surprised Shane hadn't snapped at him yet.

Merle was rude and loud, while Daryl was just quiet, but they were both hot headed and you seemed to be the only one who could calm the brothers down.

You had earned their trust and respect early on and since then they treated you with the same trust and respect. Honestly you were probably the only person the Dixons seemed to like.

You and Daryl occasionally went out hunting together, causing Merle to tease the two of you about 'getting wild together' whenever you came back from hunting, but neither of you listened to him.

Your friendship with Daryl wasn't like that, although you did have to admit the man was attractive and you wouldn't be against something like that happening, but Daryl wouldn't want to be with someone like you, so you never bought it up. You were friends and you were starting to suspect that Daryl didn't make friends easily, so you weren't going to throw it away with your stupid crush.

"Hey, I heard you've been out here since sunrise." Lori's voice suddenly called as you swung the axe cutting another piece of wood before you dropped the axe and turned around to find your sister-in-law walking out from the trees towards you and you smiled.

"Well someone's gotta cut wood for the campfire." You replied as you glanced down at the pile of wood you had already cut, satisfied that it should last the camp for a few nights.

"Here." Lori said, handing you a cup of water and you sighed in relief taking the cup and skulled the water before handing the cup back. "You do enough for the group as it is. You don't have to collect our firewood as well."

"I like keeping busy, I hate standing around and not doing anything, gives me too much time to think." You admitted and Lori nodded in understanding.

You had spoken to Rick about the things you had to do and what you went through in Afghanistan and he no doubt told Lori about it too and how you struggled keeping your mind from drifting back to those memories.

Rick had told you that it was a form of PTSD and told you that if you kept having nightmares and stuff that you should go see a therapist, but you refused to do that. Instead you went back out for another tour, which made Rick angry, but it was the only thing you knew how to do and when you were out in the field it made you feel alive. 

"Rick was pissed when you went back to do another tour, he was worried that something was going to happen again or you'd come back and the PTSD would be worse... I've never seen him that angry and upset at the same time." Lori suddenly said, snapping you out of your thoughts and you sent her a warning look. She knew you didn't like talking about it and why would she bring Rick up like that?

"I know you don't talk about it. But, Rick would want you to talk about it." She added as you stared at her in disbelief. Who was she to tell you what your brother would and wouldn't want? You knew him better than anyone.

"How the hell would you know what Rick would want? Would Rick want you to start fucking his best friend a month after he dies?!" You snapped, glaring at her as she visibly flinched at what you just said before she stormed off back to the camp.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now