Chapter 3

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You spent the rest of your watch shift by yourself, sitting on Dale's deck chair with the sniper rifle laying across your lap, but you couldn't stop thinking about Daryl and why he left so quickly.

You planned on speaking to him before he left on his hunting trip, but he quickly slipped away from the group before you could even make it down the ladder.

"Morning, Y/N." Carol called out, emerging from her tent followed by Sophia.

You smiled at the mother and daughter as you greeted them before making your way towards the kitchen area you guys had set up. It wasn't much, just a few fold out tables filled with a portable gas stove and various plates and cups, but the women in the group made it work, so it wasn't too bad.

"Good morning everyone." You called out as glanced over at the few people who were already up and sitting on their deckchairs.

"Good morning, Y/N." They all greeted back as you smiled, filling up a small cup of water and drank it before walking back to your tent, grabbing your assault rifle and slinging it over your shoulder.

"Doing your usual perimeter check?" Glenn suddenly questioned as you stepped out your tent to find the man walking out his own tent, rubbing his tired eyes and you nodded.

When you had first set up the camp, you and Shane had used string, rope and any other long material you could find and tied empty tin cans along it, so if any walkers walked into it then you should hear it, but you still did daily perimeter checks.

"Sure am. You guys all set for your supply run into the city today?" You asked, walking over towards him as you adjusted the strap of your rifle.

You had been helping Glenn organise another run into the city for the past couple of days. He trusted you, knowing you were probably the best person to go over details of the plan with and to help think of strategy exits if things went bad. It wasn't the first time you guys had sent a group into the city, but Glenn wanted to go further into the town this time, knowing there was a building still stacked with supplies.

"Yep, we'll leave after breakfast and hopefully be back before lunch." Glenn replied and you nodded before you wandered off to check the perimeter.

You spent majority of the day hanging out with Carl and Shane, doing various jobs around the camp together. By late afternoon the three of you were back sitting by the ashes of the campfire while Lori cut Carls hair and you and Shane cleaned your guns.

"Baby, the more you move, the longer it takes." Lori warned, as you looked over at her as she continued cutting her sons hair and you chuckled at the unhappy expression on your nephews face as he sat on the ground between Lori's legs.

"You think this is bad? Wait till you start shaving. That day comes, you'll be wishing for one of your mums haircuts." Shane commented, glancing over at Carl as he cleaned his shotgun and the boy shook his head.

"You guys are lucky, at least you don't have to shave your entire legs and underarms. Stop your complaining." You responded.

"Amen to that, sister." Lori said nodding towards you causing Shane and Carl to chuckle, but neither tried to disagree with you as you checked the chamber of your AR-15 before resting it over your lap.

"I'll tell you what, kiddo, if you get through this with some manly dignity and tomorrow I'll teach you something special. I'll teach you how to catch frogs." Shane said, glancing over at you with a grin and you rolled your eyes remembering how many weekends you, Rick and Shane had spend by the local creek trying to catch frogs for the fun of it.

"Only few people know the trick when it comes to catching them and I'm willing to share my secret." Shane added as Carl looked up at his mum with a questioning look.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now