Chapter 9

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Daryl turned around about to walk after Shane before you quickly grabbed his arm.

"Don't." You whispered and Daryl glanced back at you, clearly torn with what to do as he looked back down the hallway, but Shane was nowhere to be seen.

"He do that to ya?" Daryl questioned anger evident in his tone as he motioned towards your jacket that you were using to cover your ripped tank top.

You sighed rubbing your face with your hands that you didn't even realise were shaking.

Why were your hands shaking? You were perfectly fine, you weren't the one nearly sexually assaulted and you knew Shane would never touch you like that. Shane wasn't like the Taliban in Afghanistan. He wasn't like that group you were stuck with for three months, no not 'stuck with' that made it sound like you had a choice, more like held hostage by and Shane was not like those men.

You stared down at your hands, trying to get them to stop shaking, but you couldn't as the memories from Afghanistan began filling your mind.

It was a simple mission.

Just a simple search mission that your unit had done a thousand times before. You guys flew out to a small farming village where the Taliban had 'supposably' been storing explosives, but after searching high and low none of you could find the explosives or any trace of the Taliban ever being there, so your Commander had ordered you to come back to base.

You were the co-piolet in your unit. It was your job to be on the lookout for any suspicious actively while the pilot focused on flying, but you didn't even see the RPG coming until it was too late and your helicopter crashed in unknown territory.

The first few days after the crash were still blurry, but you remembered being dragged out the helicopter wreckage along with your teammates.

You remembered the pain in your stomach from where a piece of metal had impaled you during the crash. Blood. There was so much blood. You could hear your teammates screaming and crying as the Taliban threw you all into vehicles, gagging your mouths and throwing bags over your head.

You were taken to some Taliban base in the middle of nowhere. The men in your unit all lined up and shot in the head, while you and two other women -Amber and Tracy- in your team were chained to chairs and kept alive.

They treated your wound from the piece of metal and any other injuries you girls had from the crash and for the first few days nothing happened. But, you knew how bad the Taliban were, you knew what they did to US soldiers and prisoners and knew it was only a matter of time before they either killed you or made you wish you were dead.

It was on day four that it finally started. They wanted locations of every military base along with the locations of safehouses you guys had set up around the country and of course the three of you refused. If you gave away that information a shit load of people would die, innocent people, soldiers, medics, support staff, hundreds of people would die, so the three of you stayed silent. You had been trained for this. You had been trained to withstand physical and psychological torture, it was part of your basic training as a cadet.

You guys could handle the physical torture, the punches, the stabs, the electrocution, the broken bones, even being shot, because you knew that no matter how bad the pain was they couldn't kill you. They needed you alive for the information, so that is what you focused on.

But you were the only women they had around as far as the three of you could tell and they took advantage of that, they took advantage of that every single day. You girls were chained, handcuffs around your wrists and chains around your legs and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now