Chapter 11

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You weren't really sure where Rick was leading the group, but you knew he was just putting as much distance from the CDC as possible. The explosion would've attracted every walker for miles and you needed to get far away.

You sat silently trying ignore the throbbing pain in your head as you stared out the front windscreen trying to distract yourself from it.

Daryl remained silent as he followed the others and you knew he was just as shaken up by this whole thing as you were, even though he'd never admit it.

"How's your head? Ya okay?" Daryl asked breaking the silence once you guys had gotten away from the city, now just following the empty highway to wherever Rick had in mind, probably Fort Benning.

"It's fine, just a scratch." You replied, not bothering to look over at him as you kept your eyes on the road, but by the soft grunt Daryl made it was clear he didn't believe you.

"Don't look fine, can see the blood from here." Daryl muttered, glancing over at you as you turned towards him, his eyes flashing up to the cut on your forehead which you knew had stopped bleeding.

You could feel the blood that had ran from the corner of your forehead and down the side of your face starting to dry on your skin, but you knew the wound had stopped bleeding, so it was fine.

Before you even had a chance to respond, the world suddenly began to spin around you and you quickly grabbed the door handle beside you to try stabilize yourself. The pain in your head skyrocketing as your ears started to ring.

"Pull over." You whispered, nausea taking over your body.

You saw Daryl turn towards you out the corner of your eye about to ask why, but the second he laid eyes on you his foot instantly hit the breaks and you knew you looked about as good as you felt at the moment.

Once Daryl had stopped the truck you immediately opened your car door, practically falling out the vehicle. You only managed to stumble a few meters before you threw up, all the food you had eaten last night and this morning in the CDC now coming back up.

"Shit, girl." Daryl's voice muttered, but you didn't have a chance to look in his direction as another wave of nausea took over and you threw up again.

Daryl's hands suddenly grabbed your hair and held it away from your face, but you didn't get a second to be relived and appreciate the small gesture as you threw up again even though you were almost positive that there was nothing left in your stomach.

"What happened?" Shane's voice suddenly questioned from a distance and you knew he would have stopped when he saw you and Daryl pull over since his car was the only one behind you guys. You weren't sure if the others had noticed you had stopped, but you weren't about to look up to find out.

"Dunno. She was fine a minute ago." Daryl muttered, still standing beside you and you closed your eyes as the nausea slowly began to disappear.

You didn't move for a few seconds, wanting to make sure the nausea had passed before you slowly stood yourself back up, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as Daryl kept his hand on your back not sure what else to do.

"Don't even try say that 'you're fine' because you're not." Shane said, walking the remaining few feet towards you as he grabbed your shoulder gently and you simply nodded, too exhausted to say anything as you let the two men slowly lead you back to Daryl's truck.

"You got her? I'm gonna go get her some water." Shane said, looking over at Daryl who nodded and Shane jogged off towards his jeep while Daryl helped you back to the truck.

You sat down on the passenger seat, your legs resting on the side step of the truck as Daryl stood in front of you with worried eyes.

Once the world stopping spinning, you slowly looked around spotting the other vehicles all pulling up in front of Daryl's truck, finally noticing you guys had stopped before you bought your attention back to the man in front of you.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now