Chapter 28

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"Cheep shot. Take this rope off and let's go a few rounds, see who wins." You challenged, lifting your head up towards Jocelyn who was now standing in front of Daryl and pointing a knife towards him. Shit.

"You are a feisty one, aren't you? Now stand up and let the kids tie you to the pipe over here." She instructed, motioning towards the spot beside Daryl as your hands began to form first in front of you. You forced yourself to stand up, biting your lip in the process to stop yourself from groaning in pain.

"That man you got the knife to, I'd do anything for him, anything. Now, do whatever you want to me, just leave him and this woman out of it." You said, holding your hands up in a surrender.

You glanced towards the dreadlocks woman who was staring at you with unreadable look before your eyes locked with Daryl's. You knew he was silently begging you to shut up, but that wasn't going to happen.

"Alright, tie her up." Jocelyn ordered and suddenly the older boy grabbed your arm and began walking you across the room towards her well more like limped across the room as the pain in your knee screamed at you to stop putting weight on it.

You glanced over at Daryl as you walked passed him, noticing the small hole in his jacket near his shoulder along with a small pool of blood. But, you knew it wasn't enough blood for a bullet wound so it must have been from one of those stupid arrows one of the kids had.

You let Jocelyn tie your wrists to the metal pipe above your head like how Daryl and the other woman were. You instantly lifted your left leg up from the ground slightly, but it didn't really do much to ease the pain.

Once they finished trying your wrists the pipe, Jocelyn lead the kids over to the other side of the room and began talking quietly too them. You didn't bother trying to listen to their conversation because you couldn't hear them so you took your time to take in your surroundings.

It was clear you were downstairs somewhere since you had to go downstairs to get here and there weren't any windows or other exits, minus the door you got pushed through earlier. There was a chair in the corner of the room along with what looked to be a katana, a few knives and a crossbow which you knew must be Daryl's.

Your assault rifle, handgun and knife where on the other side of the room, sitting on the ground by the door, but they weren't much use over there. You continued scanning the room before your eyes landed on Jocelyn and the kids. Well that doesn't look good.

They had started a small fire in what looked to be a 44 gallon drum that had been cut in half. For a second you wondered why they needed a fire before you spotted the iron cattle prod that one of the younger kids were holding that had a very distinct 'X' brand on the end. Great, they were going to brand you.

You had been branded before, too many times if you were being honest and it hurt like a bitch, but it was a stupid way of torture, why'd they even want to torture you anyway? Hell, you were trying to help her kids, but that backfired on you majorly.

You watched as the dark-haired kid began heating up the end of the iron rod over the fire and you closed your eyes as images of the Taliban base flashed through your mind.

This was nothing like the base, but the thought of being branded again did not sit well with you, especially while your daughter was out there somewhere and you had no idea what they've done to her.

"This seemed to have shut you up." Jocelyn commented, motioning towards the iron rod sitting in the fire as she grinned at you.

"Been branded before, not a fucking fan." You muttered, glaring at her before you glanced over at Daryl to find that he was already looking you.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now