Chapter 14

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"No!" Shane yelled, dropping his bags as he sprinted over to you and yanked the gun out of your hand within a blink of an eye.

"You tell them that yourself." He stated, as he turned around towards Otis and you knew exactly what he was going to do.

Shane was going to kill him.

You couldn't let Shane kill him, Shane had never killed a person before and once he crossed that line you knew there was no coming back. It changes you, you knew that better than anyone and Shane wouldn't be able to live with that on his shoulders.

Before Shane could even raise the gun in Otis' direction, you quickly kicked his injured ankle sending the man tumbling to the ground.

"Y/N, what the fuck?!" Shane groaned, but you didn't give him a chance to get back up as you pulled the gun out of his hands and turned towards Otis.

"I'm so sorry." You whispered, pulling the trigger before Otis could even say anything as the bullet teared through his stomach and he went down like a sack of potatoes.

You didn't stay and watch to see the walkers eat him as you turned towards Shane, grabbing the bags off the ground and helping him up.

Neither of you said anything as you continued limping towards the pickup truck, your arm wrapped around Shane's waist, his arm slung over your shoulder as you helped each other walk.

Otis' dying screams filled the air as the herd no doubt reached him and you felt like you were going to be sick as you thought about what you just did. You had tried to be the one to stay back, but you knew Shane would never let that happen and you couldn't let Shane kill Otis, there was no other way. 

Once you reached the truck, you quickly threw the bags and empty guns in the back before climbing into the cab. You sat in the passenger seat as Shane took the drivers side and within a second you were back on the road.

You leant back in your seat, almost welcoming the thumping pain coming from your knee because it gave you something else to think about as you stared out the side window.

"What the hell was that?" Shane questioned after a few minutes of silence, causing you to jump slightly at the harshness in his tone. You had heard Shane yell before, but it was never direction towards you.

"What?" You asked, your head still resting back against the seat as you tilted your head in his direction to find Shane's eyes flashing between the road and you.

"You nearly killed yourself! What the hell were you thinking?" He questioned in a mixture of anger and concern, his hands tightening around the steering wheel as he spoke.

"It was the only way! It was my life or Carl's, that isn't even a question." You responded, turning back to the window staring up at the stars in the sky, hoping Shane would just drop the topic.

It wasn't like you wanted to die. You didn't want to die, you had been close to death too many times to count, but you didn't want to die. You didn't want to leave your family and new friends, but if it was to save Carls life then you wouldn't hesitate.

"And I couldn't let you kill Otis." You added.

"Why? It had to be done, why didn't you let me do it?" Shane asked in pure confusion.

"You've never done it before, but I've killed too many men to count during my tours." You began to explain, wincing slightly as you moved your injured leg and turned towards Shane. "Once you cross over to my side of the line, you don't get to come back from that. Not ever, and I know you, Shane, that would eat you up. Hate me for it if you want, but I made an on the spot decision and I don't regret it."

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now