Chapter 30

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Lori and Carl were both dead. They were gone and you never got to say goodbye...

Over the past five years you had learnt to accept that they were probably dead and that you'd never see them again, but then Rick told you that everything was fine. That the group was fine, but that was a lie, nothing was fine. Lori was dead, Carl was dead, what about the others?

"Who else?" You asked, although you weren't sure you actually wanted to know.

"Patricia, Jimmy, Hershel, Beth, T-Dog, Andrea, Glenn." Daryl listed off as you stared at the ground in disbelief. Nearly everyone was dead, the whole group was basically dead.

"Carol's at another community called Kingdom, 'n Maggie's at a community called Hilltop. All the communities trade together 'n help each other, they're both fine." Daryl reassured and you nodded ever so slightly, relieved that they were okay, but you still couldn't stop thinking about the others. About Carl, about Lori, about Glenn, about the kids you had to kill today. God, it was all too much. Wait, Lori was pregnant. Did she have the baby or did she die before?

"Lori was pregnant... did she..." You trailed off, really not wanting to know the answer because you couldn't take any more deaths, but you had to know.

You glanced over your shoulder towards Daryl, who had sat down beside you on the ground sometime while you were completely out of it and crying, his arm wrapped around your shoulder.

"She had the baby, but died during child birth. Judith is her daughter." Michonne answered and your head snapped around towards the two kids still playing on the ground on the other side of the room as you stared at the little blonde girl beside Sophia.

Judith... Carl's favourite school teacher was Judith, it was his third grade teacher, he must have named her.

You smiled softly at your small discovery as you stared at Judith, only just realising how much she actually looked like Lori. But, you couldn't quite tell if she was Rick's or Shane's, although that didn't really matter anymore. Shane was dead. He didn't even get to meet his daughter. But, Rick would have raised her and he would have raised her right, just like he did with Carl. Rick was a good father.

"Wait, I thought you said Judith was your daughter?" You asked, glancing over at Michonne while you still sat on the ground, your face wet with tears, but you didn't have the energy to wipe them away.

"Does she look like my real daughter?" Michonne chuckled lightly as she wiped her teary eyes with a sad smile.

"She's my daughter in every way, but blood. Rick and I are together. I helped him raise her, the whole group helped." She explained and your eyes went wide with shock as relief flooded your body. You were glad that she was there to help Rick, especially having to raise his daughter just as his wife died.

"So, your unborn baby is his?" You asked, with a hint of a smile forming on your lips and Michonne nodded.

You sat there for a few minutes as you watched Sophia and Judith play, before you forced yourself to stand up as you glanced outside taking note of how low the sun was in the sky. There was probably still a few hours of daylight left, you had to get Rick.

"I need to go get, Rick. Can I take that school bus and a jerry can of fuel with me?" You asked, glancing between Daryl and Michonne as Daryl stood up from the ground with a confused expression.

"I need more fuel for the helicopter. Rick won't be able to walk down the fire escape like I did to get out the building, he's fine, but he's still recovering." You explained.

"Yeah, but I'm going with ya." Daryl responded, but you quickly shook your head. You needed Daryl to stay here and look after Sophia. After today you did not want her out there if she doesn't have to be, and you did not trust anyone else to keep her safe in this community.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now