Chapter 25

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It's been a week since you left the train tracks for the woods which then stopped as an old bitumen road cut through it. You decided to follow the road instead of crossing it and going back into the woods, figuring the road had to lead to somewhere.

You had been following the road for a few days now. Sophia resting in your arms now since the carrier had finally broken and you didn't exactly have a sowing kit to fix it, so you and Shane took turns holding her when she was too tired to walk.

"Remember that time back during high school when you dared me to steal the principles car and drive it out to that chicken farm on the other side of town?" Shane suddenly asked as the two of you walked side by side down the road and you couldn't stop yourself from laughing as you thought back to that day. He didn't just drive it to the chicken farm, he parked it inside the farm with the doors open and an open bag of chicken feed in the back. The principle had been so pissed.

"I still can't believe you actually did that. What did I even bet you for it?" You questioned, looking over at Shane, but before he had a chance to answer the sound of car engines filled the air and you both froze.

It wouldn't be the first time you've come across other survivors, but you knew not all of them were nice like the ones you had happened to bumped into over the past couple of years.

"Trees. Hide in the trees." Shane quickly said and the two of you ran into the woods on the side of the road and crouched down behind a tree while you held Sophia to your chest whispering to her to stay quiet.

It didn't take long before you spotted the black truck driving down the road, followed by a white van. You stayed hidden behind the trees on the side of the road waiting for them to drive straight past, but of course they decided to stop in the middle of the damn road right in front of you.

Your free hand instantly reached for your gun on as you pulled it out your holster and heard the familiar click of Shane's pistol and you smiled softly. The two of you were always on the same page and you weren't going to take risks with strangers.

You watched as the doors to the truck opened first and a man wearing a black leather jacket stepped out. He was holding what looked to be a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it dangling by his side as another man with a thick moustache climbed out the passenger side.

The two men walked around to the van that was parked a few metres behind the truck and only then did you notice the smoke coming out from under the vans bonnet.

Four other men climbed out the van, all of them with some form of weapon in their hands, but to your relief they were only melee weapons, however you didn't miss the handgun strapped to the moustache guys belt. You watched as the four men immediately popped the hood of the vehicle, but even from where you were you could tell that the vehicle was screwed and by the annoyed look on the baseball bat guys face, he knew it too.

"Chop chop, we don't have all day. We got shit to steal from our favourite prick." Baseball bat guy shouted, clearly not worried about louring in walkers by the tone of his voice. Shit to steal? You didn't like the sound of that. Were these guys like pirates of the apocalypse or something?

"People." Sophia suddenly said, pointing towards the group of men causing you to quickly cover her mouth with your hand to hush her before the men heard her, but it was too late.

"Well, shit. What do we have over here?" The baseball bat guy questioned as he turned in the direction of the voice with a grin that sent shivers down your spin. You quickly looked over at Shane, who seemed to have come to same conclusion as you, these were bad people.

"Come on out and we maybe we won't kill you." The same man called out, his men now standing behind him completely ignoring their broken down car as they all held onto various axes, knives and machetes while moustache man pulled out his handgun.

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