Chapter 5

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After lunch you opted to help Carol, Jacqui, Amy and Andrea down at the quarry with washing the clothes. It was better than cleaning the lunch dishes with the Lori who seemed to be annoyed with you about the whole Atlanta situation, but that was her problem.

You could see Shane and Carl trying to catch frogs across the small lake of water and you smiled watching them together, glad that Shane was distracting Carl about thinking of his father too much.

"I'm beginning to question the division of labour here." Jacqui commented, walking over to you, Amy and Carol with handfuls of clothing they retrieved from Ed's truck.

The truck was parked a few metres away while the three of you sat on a couple of crates already washing some clothes in the water.

"I do miss my maytag." Carol commented after nearly five minutes of washing peoples clothes and you chuckled.

"I miss my Benz, my sat nav." Andrea added.

"I miss my coffeemaker. With that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey." Jacqui joined in and your mouth practically watered at the thought of homemade coffee right now.

"My computer. And texting." Amy sighed and you smiled at the girl as you continued to scrub one of Carls shirts.

"I miss my vibrator." Andrea suddenly said a few seconds later and you stopped what you were doing at her unexpected comment as Amy looked at her older sister in shock.

"Me too." Carol mumbled and the rest of you all lost it laughing.

If you were honest this was the first time you had genuinely laughed this much for a long time, but of course nothing good ever lasted.

"What's so funny?" Ed's voice suddenly questioned.

You glanced over your shoulder to find him walking towards the group of you, a cigarette dangling from his fingers as he stared at you guys, but you didn't miss the side glance he gave Carol.

"Just swapping war stories, Ed." Andrea tried to shrug off as you all glanced at each other before you continued washing the clothes.

You knew what Ed did to Carol and probably Sophia behind closed doors. You were pretty sure most of the camp knew, but there wasn't anything you guys could do about it. Shane had tried and it just made things worse, so you tried to bite your tongue around Ed, not wanting to make things worse for Carol and Sophia.

"Problem, Ed?" Andrea questioned and you glanced over your shoulder again to find Ed literally standing a few metres behind the five of you, watching you all carefully.

"Nothin' that concerns you. And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." Ed responded and you felt your hands tighten around the shirt you were washing as you tried to keep your temper under control, despite every muscle in your body telling you to knock the man on his ass.

You were so focused on trying to keep yourself uncontrol that you didn't notice Andrea standing up and marching over to him until she started speaking.

"Ed, tell you what. You don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." She said, throwing him one the shirts which he easily caught it and threw it back at her harshly.

"Ain't my job, Missy." Ed muttered, glaring at her as you quickly stood up and walked over to them.

Andrea might be trying to act tough in front of Ed and you had to give her credit for that, but you knew she was silently scared of the man, all the women were, but not you.

"What is your job, Ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?" Andrea questioned.

"Well, it sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch. Come on. Lets go." Ed called out, looking over at Carol as you glanced over at her before you shook your head.

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