Chapter 1

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TW- this story contains mentions/descriptions of SA, violence and blood. If any of this triggers you, please do not read this story.


You were in the military before all of this, an army soldier to be exact. You were halfway through your second tour in Afghanistan when you got the call that your brother, Rick Grimes, had been shot and was in critical condition.

You were on the first plane back to the states the following morning, only to learn that Rick was in a coma and might never wake up.

You visited Lori and Carl a few times, but you spent most your time by your brother's bedside at the Harrison Memorial Hospital.

Shane visited everyday after his work shift, bringing fresh flowers that Lori had given him to place by Ricks bed. Lori and Carl had visited once while you had been back, but she didn't want Carl to see his father like that and you didn't blame her. He looked so pale, so weak, so vulnerable and you hated seeing your big brother like that.

The two of you were as close as siblings could get. You grew up always by each other's side and since Shane was Ricks best friend, you grew up around him as well.

When the dead started to rise, you refused to leave your brother alone. Your Commander in the military had called you multiple times ordering you to come back to base. He said that they needed all the soldiers they could get to fight against the dead, but you couldn't leave your brother. It was selfish, but you couldn't leave Rick.

However, once the power got shut off, the dead began to overrun the hospital and the army began gunning down civilians in the hallways.

You and Shane had no choice, but to leave.

Shane had pressed his ear to Rick's chest once his oxygen and support machines got shut off, but he didn't hear a heartbeat. He said Rick was dead and Shane literally had to drag you out the hospital because you refused to believe that your brother was dead.

He drove you straight to Ricks house to find Lori and Carl hiding inside in terror, but they both relaxed slightly when they saw the two of you.

While Shane told the mother and son about Rick, you went straight to the spare bedroom where you had dropped off your stuff when you first got back from Afghanistan and quickly grabbed all your gear.

You swapped your denim jeans for your military camo cargo pants, knowing they would be more realistic and easier to run around in than a pair of tight skinny jeans.

You clipped your belt on next, containing your tactical knife, compass, rope and your silenced Glock 18 before throwing your AR-15 assault rifle over your shoulder with the gun strap. You made your way back into the main room of the house to find Shane hugging a crying Carl and Lori.

"Dad's dead." Carl whispered, looking over at you and you nodded, feeling tears rising in your eyes again.

"I'm sorry, Carl. I'm so sorry." You mumbled, as your nephew let go of his mother and ran over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he hugged you tightly.

Neither of you moved for the next few minutes, as you glanced over at Shane who was still hugging Lori, but you didn't miss the tears falling down the man's cheeks at the loss of his best friend.

"We need to get out of the city. My boss said there's an army rescue base set up at Fort Benning. I say we grab all the supplies we can and take Shanes jeep and go." You instructed, as Carl pulled away from you and glanced over at his mother as she nodded in agreement before you all began packing up.

You had come across the Peletier family on the road and although you hated Ed, his wife and daughter were good people, so you guys stuck together. You had a suspicion that Ed was abusing his wife, but what could you do about it? So, you just tried to keep Carol and Sophia with you guys and not alone with Ed as much as possible.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now