Chapter 7

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Once again you woke up with barely any sleep, but you were used to it by now.

After what had happened during your first tour in Afghanistan sleep was like a foreign concept to you. But luckily your body still seemed to function properly when running on only a few hours sleep otherwise you would have been screwed.

Nobody was in a chatty mood this morning, everyone sticking to themselves and packing up their gear into the vehicle's. You weren't really a morning person, so you were glad that everyone else was keeping to themselves.

You glanced around watching the others struggling with their large complex tents and you were suddenly relieved that you had your military backpack which contained a small tent and sleeping bag. They easily fitted inside the backpack and you still had enough room for your other gear, it was perfect for the apocalypse.

"Hey." Rick called out, walking over to you as you finished rolling your sleeping bag up and began pulling your tent down.

You glanced over your shoulder, spotting him walking towards you in his usual sheriffs uniform. You would have thought it'd be weird seeing him still in his uniform, but for some reason it just seemed quite fitting.

"Need a hand?" He asked.

You looked over at your tent that was already half dismantled before you glanced back at Rick raising your eyebrows at him.

"I can take down my own tent." You replied, turning back around as you continued taking down your tent.

You knew Rick was only trying to be nice, but you were just exhausted and the vivid nightmares you had been having about the incident in Afghanistan for the past few nights weren't helping.

"I know you can. But I also know when my sister is struggling." He replied from behind you as he grabbed your shoulder.

You flinched at the gentle touch and Rick quickly removed his hand.

"It's just me." He whispered, carefully placing his hand back on your shoulder.

"I know." You sighed, closing your eyes for a few seconds.

It's been over a year since you got back from that first tour, it shouldn't affect you like this still, but it did. You had nightmares more often than not and still struggled with human contact. Outside of the army, only Rick knew about what had happened during your first tour, although you suspected that Lori and Shane might know a bit of it from Rick.

"Hey, look at me." Rick said softly as you opened your eyes and lifted your head to find him now standing in front of you, his hand still on your shoulder as he looked at you worriedly. "If things get too bad come and talk to me, alright?"

"I will." You replied with a slight nod and Rick pulled you into a hug.

"Now, I know you can do it yourself, but I want to help. So, lets get your tent packed up." Rick said after a few seconds as he pulled away and you gave him a small smile before the two of you began pulling your tent down.

You glanced over your shoulder towards Lori and Carl who were busy loading up one of the cars, but you didn't miss Daryl standing by his truck looking towards you and Rick before he went back to strapping Merle's motorcycle securely in the bed of his truck.

Daryl hadn't spoken to you since the incident with Jim yesterday and seemed to go back to avoiding you again, but there was nothing you could do about it and frankly right now you didn't really care. You just wanted to get to the CDC and crash for a week, if you were being honest.

"Aunt Y/N, are you riding with us?" Carl asked as you followed Rick over to him and Lori by their car, your backpack slung over your back and assault rifle over your left shoulder.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now