Chapter 10

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"Did you just lock us in?" You heard Glenn question from somewhere and you quickly spun around and sighed with relief when you spotted Carl, realising that everyone was still together and nobody had left the room yet.

"You son of a bitch. You let us out of here!" Daryl yelled.

You turned back around just in time to see him throwing the bottle of alcohol before he ran towards the doctor. Jenner was now sitting on a chair by the computer, but Shane quickly grabbed Daryl before he could do anything.

"Jenner, open that door now." Rick ordered, marching over to him as you adjusted the strap of your assault rifle over your shoulder, your eyes scanning the room for any other exits.

"There's no point. Everything topside is locked down. The emergency exits are sealed. I can't open them, the computers do. I told you once that front door closed, it wouldn't open again. You heard me say that. It's better this way." Jenner replied and you quickly turned back towards the doctor, not liking what he just said or the tone of his voice at all.

"What is? What happens in 28 minutes?" Rick questioned, a few metres away from Jenner as the doctor turned away from him and began typing on the key board and that was it.

You jogged the few metres between you and doctor as you grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around on his chair until he was facing you.

"Cut the bullshit. What happens in 28 minutes?!" You shouted and Jenner suddenly stood up from his chair, pushing you back causing you to stumble backwards, but you quickly steadied yourself as Jenner stood directly in front of you.

You saw Daryl take a step forward out the corner of your eye and you quickly held your hand out to tell him to stay where he was as you focused on Jenner and you knew he the man was going to snap soon.

"What happens?" You questioned, sternly and that was all it took.

"Come on! You know what this place is?!" He yelled, staring at you before he began pacing and looking around at the others. "We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever!" He shouted and none of you said anything as you stared at him before he sighed and sat back down on his chair.

"In the event of a catastrophic power failure in a terrorist attack, for example, H.I.T.s are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out." Jenner explained and your eyes went wide with shock. He was going to blow the place?

"HIT's?" Rick questioned in confusion, clearly having no idea what it was, but all your years in the military, you knew exactly what it was.

"You son of a bitch!" You yelled, taking a step towards the man as you balled your hand into a fist and punched him, sending him falling backwards out of his chair with a thud. "You open those doors, right now!" You instructed sternly, walking around the chair to where the doctor was lying on his back as you pressed your boot against his chest.

"I can't." He gasped, trying to get air into his lungs as you pressed your foot down harder until Rick spoke up.

"Y/N, what are HIT's?" He asked worriedly.

You glanced over your shoulder towards him before looking back down at the doctor and you sighed, removing your foot from his chest and took a step back.

"High-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives. You guys know what nuclear explosives are? Consider HIT's it's younger brother. They have a blast wave of power and duration greater than any other explosive except nuclear, they basically set the air on fire. The whole CDC is gonna blow." You explained receiving a collection of gasps and panicked expressions and you sighed watching Sophia cry into Carol as Rick pulled Lori and Carl into a tight hug.

Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Rick's sister!reader)Where stories live. Discover now