Chpt 10 ~

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Chapter 10

Your POV
We get back to the boys "Why did you guys run" Pony said to us giving us a stare. "I had to help Y/N with something let's just watch the movie" Daisy said while sitting down. I sat down still in the middle and Johnny whispers in my ear. "I need to talk to you" I look at him and point to a car then I stand up and he follows behind me. "What do you wanna talk to me about" I said with a confused face. "I realized something when you came home blacked out" he stepped closer to me I felt my heart racing and my face going red. "Y/N I'm in love with you" I felt my world stop Johnny is in love with me. "And I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me" I looked at him with a shocked face and then smiled " Yes of course I will go out with you because I love you to Johnny Cade" we looked at each other for awhile then decide to head back. We sit back down and Pony looks at me with a suspicious face. " Your blushing why are you blushing" I tell him what happened and he looks at me kinda mad but happy at the same time.
Johnny's POV
We were watching the rest of the movie and I was so happy. That I am going out with N/Y wait tell I tell the rest of the gang. Hopefully Soda and Darry won't skin me for dating there younger sister. The movie finally finished and we head back to the Curtis house. "Are we gonna tell the rest of the gang Y/N" I said grabbing her hand "Let's tell them tonight" we walk in still holding hands. "We have some news to tell all of you" I said hoping there ok with this. "We're dating" Y/N said with a happy voice the gang were happy that we were together Soda, Darry, and Pony don't hate me for dating there sister. Y/N yawned and still holding my hand went to her room. We were in Y/N room she went to the bathroom real quick to change into something comfy. "You can go to the bathroom to change into something comfy to if you want" she said with a tried voice " Oh sure" I say while grabbing some clothes that I have at the Curtis house already. When I walked back into the room Y/N was laying in her bed she patted the free spot by her telling me to lay there I walk to her bed and get in before I knew it she fell asleep. I held her close and went to sleep to I was so happy to be with her this was a dream come true.

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