chapter 24 ~

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Chapter 24

Your POV
I sit back down in the booth because I felt like if I just listen to them they won't hurt me as much. "Now finish your milkshake you don't want it to go to waste" Bob said pushing the milkshake towards me "What do you want from me" I said grabbing the milkshake Bob looked at me and smirked "We want to be your friend Y/N" I did not believe that they wanted something "What do you want from me" Bob handed me his switchblade and pointed at Pony who just walked in "You have to cut your brother or else we kill you and you know we can do that" I got scared they can kill me if they want but at the same time I did not want to hurt Pony but if I explain to him why I did it would he understand. "You have to do it now" Bob said grabbing my milkshake I grabbed the blade and got out the booth and walked over to Pony "Hey Y/N why you crying" Pony said whipping one of my tears. "I'm sorry Pony i'll explain later" I said right before I cut him he looked at me then at his hand that was over the cut that I put on his cheek he started to cry when he saw the blood he then ran out. I walked back to Bob crying "Good now give me your arm" Bob said grabbing back his blade I put out my arm and he grabbed it he cut his name deep in my arm "Now you belong to me so finish your milkshake and your free to go" Bob said giving me my milkshake back I quickly finish it and ran out still crying.

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