Chapter 45 ~

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Chapter 45 (Couple of days later)
Your POV
I have been trying so hard to avoid Johnny because I don't want to see him after what happened with him but I still have to go out at some points I can't just stay at my house forever and Darry is making me go out so I decided to take Autumn to the park yes she might not be old enough to really play but i'm still taking her there. I left for the park I was walking with Autumn in my arms and her bag around my body I was so lucky that the socs weren't looking for any trouble today I made it to the park safe and sound we were there for awhile when I felt someone tap my shoulder I looked to see who it was I was really hoping it was someone from the gang but when I saw who it was to my luck it wasn't it was Johnny he looked like he been crying but why he's the one that cheated on me yes I may have cheated on him before but that was when I was drunk he wasn't I picked Autumn up and put the bag on my shoulder I was about to walk off when Johnny said "Y/N will you please talk to me" I turned around to face him I was gonna scream but I have Autumn with me so I spoke at a normal tone "Johnny I don't want to ever see and talk to you again" he walked closer to me so I backed up "Please I don't know why I did what I did I haven't been able to think straight ever since that day" he said looking down "And thats supposed to make me feel better" I said I looked at Johnny waiting for him to respond but Dally came saying "Whats going on here" I just looked at Dally and said "I was just leaving bye Johnny" I looked back at Johnny and I saw some tears fall down his cheek but I just turned around and started to walk home Dally walked with me when I got home Autumn was asleep in my arms so I put her in the crib that was in my room I was sitting on my bed thinking about what Johnny said he didn't know what he was doing he says ya right I heard a knock on my door it opened and Dally walked in he closed the door and said "You alright Y/N" I just nodded my head he went and sat by me on my bed "So what happened at the park with Johnny" I looked at Dally and said [continue in comments "Nothing important" he looked back at me we were looking into each others eyes he had good eyes I never saw before and before I knew it we were leaning closer to each other I felt his lips against mine they were soft and for him he was being gentle we both pulled away I saw he was blushing but hey so was I Dally stood up and looked at me and said "Sorry I did that i'm gonna go" I stood up and grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him into a kiss I pulled back I went to to my bed and laid down Dally laid by me and cuddled me I felt myself drift off and I fell asleep in Dally's arms but I felt bad because deep down I still love Johnny and I still wanted to be with him after all he still is my first love.

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