Chapter 47 ~

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Chapter 47
Your POV
I woke up in my bed I was looking around my room it looked a little different than usual I jumped out my bed after remembering what happened I ran out my room and stopped confused why did everyone look like how they looked like when they were 7 years younger I turned and ran to the bathroom I was shocked when I looked into the mirror why do I look 7 again what the hell is going on I walked into the living room and sat on the couch Soda looked at me and said "Hey Y/N you ok you look a little lost" I looked at him and said "Ya I'm ok just had a weird dream and have you seen Autumn" Soda tilted his head and said "Who's Autumn" I stood up and said "My daughter" Soda laughed and said "You don't have a daughter your only 7 dam what type of dream did you have" I sat back down on the couch did I go back in time or something I snapped out my daze when I heard the door open I looked at the door and Johnny and Pony walked in they also looked 7 years younger Johnny went and sat down by me I looked at him and said "Hey can we go for a walk" Johnny nodded his head and we walked out the door but not before Darry told us to be home before it gets dark and to have our switchblades with us that we can never be to safe we were walking when Johnny said "Wanna go to the little lake" "Race ya there" I said running already we ran all the way to the lake and sat on the bench out of breath the stuff I left on the bench when I ran after Johnny were gone but I remembered the pack of cigarettes and lighted I had taped under the bench I grabbed it and lit me and Johnny a cigarette yes we are way to young to be smoking but hey we don't care Johnny looked at me and said "So why did you want to hang out by ourselves and without Pony" I looked at him and said "Do you like me Johnny like more than just friends".

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