Chapter 41 ~

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Chapter 41
Your POV
It was the next day and the nurse told me I was able to go home I was happy about that because lets just say these hospital beds are not comfy. When we got out Darry was waiting for us in his car outside when we went in he said "Want to take any stops before we head home" I shook my head and said "I rather be in my comfy bed at home" Darry laughed a bit and we drove all the way home during the drive Autumn was asleep she didn't really make much noise but hey i'm not complaining. We finally got to the house when we got out the car the whole gang were cheering Johnny quickly said "Shush shes sleeping" the quickly quit down we went in and I put her in her crib that was in my room I went back to the living room and fell on the couch Steve looked at me and said "Have you seen Presley I want to ask her something" "I haven't seen her since yesterday ask Dally" I said as I sat up Two was just watching the tv and laughing so loud that Darry kept telling him to shush Johnny went to me and sat on the couch like he just got done running a marathon I looked and him and said "Why you so tired you didn't give birth to a baby" Johnny looked at me and moved closer to me so I can put my head on his shoulder he put out his hand and said "I didn't do that but I let you squeeze my hand so hard that the nurse had to check if it was broken" I moved and gently grabbed his hand "I'm sorry" we kissed him until Soda said "Hey you two calm down we don't need another baby running around" I threw a pillow at Soda and stuck my tongue at him he threw the pillow back at me sticking out his tongue to he then went to go sit with Pony who was reading like always I laid down putting my head on Johnny's lap I was just playing around with his hands while he was watching tv soon we heard crying it was Autumn Pony quickly jumped up and said "Can I take care of her I wanna read to her" really exited I just nodded my head I love her an all but I still need some more rest and Pony was volunteering to do that so hey it's a win win for the both of us.

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