Chapter 38 ~

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Chapter 38

Your POV (5 months later)
I woke up and lets just say I got bigger it kinda made it just a little difficult to do somethings but today Presley wanted to go out shopping to get things for the baby. But first Johnny had to take me to a doctor appointment so we can find out the gender first the gang had so much prepared for this moment that they got two balloons one for a girl and the other for a boy they also got cake to go with the two balloons. I just put on some comfy clothes and went to the living room I saw that Johnny was not here yet so I sat on the couch to wait for him it was pretty early in the morning so no one was really awake or here. I ended up falling asleep on the couch but I woke up to the smell of some good food I saw that it was Darry he looked at me and said "Don't worry beast i'm making your food please don't hurt me" I just laughed people think that Darry is just strict but he actually has a since of humor. Soon after Pony and Soda woke up Pony walked over to me and said "Hey if the baby is a girl and looks like you then it will technically look like me because you know your my twin so it will be like having a triplet" I looked at him and said "Will kinda I guess" soon after Darry told us that breakfast was ready so I went to the kitchen and started to eat my breakfast sometimes the boys will give me weird looks because of the different mixes I did with my food I looked at Soda and he tilted his head and said "That doesn't seem like it will taste so good" I then looked at him and said "Try some and you will know that it's not that bad" Soda then sighed and nodded his head yes I gave him some at first he gave a look that said what the hell is this but then he just smiled and said "Dang that tasted good" Pony then started to laugh and said "Hey Soda I think your pregnant since you like that so much" we all just laughed a bit I finished my food and washed my plate I looked at the time and saw it was almost time for the appointment I started to get a little worried because Johnny was still not here soon he finally came threw the door he looked at me and said "Sorry Y/N I woke up late you ready to go" I nodded my head yes we soon made it to the doctor after a while they finally gave us a folder that had the gender in it we went back home and I gave the folder to Johnny he went into the kitchen with Darry then came back out with a balloon and a cake Steve then said "Come on lets get this over with it's killing me" Johnny then put the cake down and Darry gave me a knife to cut it open and Johnny had a pin to pop the balloon we counted "1......2........3!" I cut the cake open and Johnny popped the balloon the house got covered in pink confetti the baby is a girl I looked at Johnny and smiled I then hugged him really tight.

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