Chapter 52 ~

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Chapter 52
Your POV
I woke up to the sound of a baby crying it was really annoying because I was trying to sleep "I got her" I heard a voice say it sounded like Johnny to be honest "You sure because I can take care of her and you can watch over Y/N just in case she wakes up" another voice said that sounded like Pony's I wonder why they were waiting for me to wake up "Ya your right thanks Pony" " No problem Johnny" now I know who the two voices belong to well I already knew who but now i'm sure of it now soon the crying faded away and I heard the door close I felt the bed sink in a bit by my feet I felt a hand lightly rub my leg and Johnny said "Please Y/N please wake up you've been out for a week already and I really need you I love you" aw Johnny is just to sweet wait what i've been out for a week oh hell no I sat up fast and said "What do you mean i've been out for a week" Johnny looked shock and then he lunged at me and hugged me tight "Your wake finally" he said right before he kissed me I pull back and look him in his eyes "Explain" I said in a strict voice Johnny then explained everything I didn't really care the only part I cared about was if that world was just a dream or not "Guys shes awake!" Johnny screamed everyone came running in and they all except Pony gave me a big hug when they stopped hugging me Pony went over to me and gave me a hug but was being gentle because he was holding Autumn Pony then handed me Autumn aw I missed her she was my only kid after all "Hey Y/N can we go to a dinner tonight if your up for it" Johnny said I looked up and nodded my head even though I had been supposably out for a week I was still tired so I put Autumn down and kissed Johnny then went back to sleep.

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