Chapter 43 ~

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Chapter 43

Your POV
Me and Johnny were putting out our cigarettes he soon stood up saying "We should go on a little date" "To where" I said getting up he just grabbed my hand and led me inside he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote "Hey guys when you wake up please watch Autumn me and Y/N have gone on a little date -Johnny" he placed the paper down by the chocolate cake he turned around and smiled I smiled back he walked towards me and picked me up. He walked out the door no matter how much times I asked him where we were going he wouldn't say anything soon he finally placed me down we were in front of the Dingo he grabbed my hand then led me inside we sat at a booth all the way in the back we decided to get some milkshakes I was looking at Johnny he was so contracted on his milkshake it made me giggle these girls out of no where came to our table "Hey hot stuff is this your sister here" one of the girls said taking my milkshake Johnny grabbed it back and gave it to me saying "No she is my girlfriend" I heard one of the girls whisper "Not for long" before they walked off I just brushed it off because Johnny is to sweet of a boy to cheat. "I'll be right back I drank way to much" I said getting out the booth Johnny grabbed my hand and kissed it then said "Hurry back" I blushed then walked off I was in the bathroom for a pretty long time because some of those girls from earlier were hogging the bathroom up once I was finally finished I walk out and started to head back to Johnny I stopped one of the girls was sitting in my spot talking to Johnny she moved her hand over Johnny's hand he didn't even do anything about it and before I knew it they kissed Johnny didn't pull away I got to my breaking point once they started to make out I didn't want to see him so I snuck out of the Dingo and ran home I barged threw the door the gang were awake so was Autumn to I was crying I didn't want to say anything so I went and picked up Autumn everyone was asking me why I was crying I finally told them everything that happened at the Dingo they started to comfort me I don't need Johnny I have everyone else from the gang and my baby girl Autumn.

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