Chapter 36 ~

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Chapter 36

Your POV
Johnny asked me if I was gonna keep the baby I actually put a lot of thought into that and I was gonna keep it because its not this baby's fault that I made a mistake. So I looked at Johnny and said "I'm keeping the baby" Dally eyes went wide and he said "Why are you gonna keep it Johnny isn't the dad I am" I looked at Dally and said "Because it's not the baby's fault I made a mistake and I can't just kill it that will just break me" both Johnny and Dally nodded there heads agreeing with me surprisingly Johnny was taking this better than I thought he would he really is to good for me. Soon after the rest of the gang walked in and were asking us why we were just standing there and why Dal has some bruises and why my eyes looked like I was crying for hours we the explained the whole thing to then at first they were mad but then they understood it I looked at Johnny and said "Can I talk to you in my room real quick for a minute" he nodded and we went to my room I closed my door and went to sit by Johnny on my bed I put my head on his shoulder and said "Johnny I understand if you want to break up with me just do it now please" Johnny moved and cuffed my face in his hands and said "Y/N I love you with all my heart I know you are pregnant and it's not my baby but I don't care I will still love him or her like my own and I will never leave you I care about you to much" I looked into his eyes and said "I really don't deserve you your to good for me but I still really love you to Johnny" he then kissed me and I cuddled with him in my bed for awhile before going back to the gang.

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