you say you're there for me
but you know it's not true
judgment and punishment alway come first
love and support are priority two
how can i talk to you when you lie to my face
screaming you love me
then writing my problems off as a phase
you promise your love is unconditional
but you want to deny who i am so hard
that i'm always told my views are fictional
you tell me to come out of my room
but why would i do that
when you hurt me every time that i do
you tell me to open up
but your unkind words
caused my heart to permanently shut
you promise to help me with everything i go through
but you fail to realize
most of what i go through is because of you

skinny dipping
Poetrya collection of poems from the heart. these poems were written in times of either strong emotion or immense boredom. a creative outlet full of revealing truths and mysteries of humanity. all of this to aid in finding the answer to the most difficult...