Chapter 4

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Erika's pov

i woke up and got a text message. it was from amanda. she asked me if i wanted to move in with her. i got all happy because i know we had just met but she was like my bestfriend and back at home i didn't really have a lot of bestfriends. she was like my true bestfriend.

i told her i would love too and that she would be picking me up in an hour. so i got ready and packed all of my stuff again.

once i was done a couple of minutes later she told me she was here. so i went out and she took me to breakfast and we went to her apartment.

she showed me my room and it was hella big. she had like 3 rooms and she lived by herself.

i settled in. then i went to go look for her and she was sitting on the couch in the living room.

E: hey amanda

A: yeah

E: you think you can take me to a car dealer ship i wanna buy car and if i do it's gonna be the last time i ask you for a ride

she laughs a little.

A: of course erika let's go

we left the house and went to a car dealership. i really really wanted a jeep. so i started looking at them. it was between this white jeep and this black corolla.

E: amanda what should i get

A: whatever you have been wanting

E: i've been wanting the jeep

A: then get the jeep

E: okay okay

i talked to the guy and i bought the jeep. he handed me the keys and i drove back to amanda's apartment.. well our apartment.

Jake's pov

when i woke up i felt horny as fuck. i don't know why.

i went to go eat hoping to find a girl who would get in bed with me. but nothing.

i was driving around hollywood again and what do you know. there was a girl. i asked her and she said she'd be down. so we went to my house. and we finally did it. i felt relieved. once we were done i laid there. and she was laying on me.

then i heard my door knock. i put on my shorts and i open the door and it's erika.

Erika's pov

once i got back to the apartment. i baked cookies for me and amanda. we watch netflix for a bit and we didn't finish the cookies and none of us wanted some. then i remembered that jake lives here. and i still kinda feel bad for bumping into him so i was gonna go take him some.

E: amanda i'll be back real quick

A: okay

i started walking to his room. i knocked on it with a huge smile on my face. hopefully he's home. i waited a minutes then he opens the door and oh my god he's shirtless. i lowkey got red cause he's ripped.

J: hey

E: hi

i tried not to look at his abs. so i was looking at his eyes.

E: um i don't know if it's weird me showing up here but i still felt kinda bad for bumping into you the other day so i brought you some cookies

i pushed the plate towards him and he looks at it and grabs it.

J: thank you

i had a big smile on my face. then this girl came behind him and she had a blanket wrapped around her. damn he has a girlfriend. my smile went away. i kinda felt sad because i wanted to hang out with him.

E: ya i'm gonna go bye jake

J: wait -

and i just walked away. and walked back to my apartment. damn i'm so stupid why would i even try.
i just. i don't even know.

Jake's pov

Erika came to my house and gave me cookies. and she had a smile on her face. damn her smile is really nice. i told her thank you. then the girl i hooked up with cams behind. my eyes lit up. oh shit i forgot about her. then i seen erika's smile fade away. oh no. i love her smile.

E: ya i'm gonna go bye jake

J: wait -

then she walked away. FUCK MAN. i was gonna ask her if she wanted to hang out but i forgot about this girl. i don't even know her name.

i looked at her.

J: imma need you to leave

she went back to my room and grabbed her clothes put them on and then she left my house. i'm such a freakin idiot man.

i started to drink man. i don't even care no more.

i kept drinking. i didn't really care if i got drunk.

i was finally drunk so i decided to sleep.

i woke up sober surprisingly. i got an email. saying to go to acting classes tomorrow at this place. ugh i don't want to go. but it's gonna be good for me. whatever fuck it. i replies and said that i would go.

i got up and started to eat cause i haven't ate nothing. i was on my phone and i couldn't stop thinking about erika. like i feel so bad. i feel more like and idiot though. i was on instagram and i looked up her name to see if she has an instagram. i kept looking and i found her! her name is erika costell. i was looking at her profile and damn she's hot. i'm definitely tryna have sex with her. but i keep choking i don't know why. i kinda wanna ask her to like go hangout and then imma take her to my apartment and i'm gonna get her in bed with me. but i can't be having girls over then cause what if she sees a girl with me. then she's definitely not gonna even think about hanging out with me. ill try like maybe in a week or so.

hoped you enjoyed this chapter keep reading.

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