Chapter 31

629 14 10

5 pm

Jake's pov

J: okay baby let's go

E: okay okay

and we're on our way to the airport. i lowkey feel like i'm more excited than she is.

we get to the airport and do that whole process. then we finally get on the plane. i probably could've afford a private jet. but i didn't know people.

couple hours later.

Erika's pov

ahhh my hometown. we finally arrived in Tennessee. it's 8 pm right now

we get our suitcases and we go to the hotel.

we unpack a bit since we're staying here for 2 weeks. and we jump on the bed.

J: so what do you wanna do

E: it's up to you

J: no no no no no. it's your hometown and you gotta show me around. i don't know nothing

E: ugh fine but first..

J: what

E: let's nap

he laughs a little.

J: okay

we take like a 1 hour power nap. i woke up before him. i start to wake him up.

E: baby

J: mmm

E: baaaaaaaabe

J: what

E: wake up

he opens his eyes and gets up.

E: come on let's go explore and then tomorrow we'll go see my mom

J: okay then let's go

E: you hungry ?

J: yes i am

E: since it's my hometown and imma show you the places.. i'm paying

J: nooooooo

E: yessss

J: why

E: why do you have to pay

J: cause you don't need to pay. you use your money to buy yourself stuff

E: no i ain't doing that i'm paying the whole time we're here

J: no

E: yes you bought everything... the plane tickets, hotel, traveling stuff. it's only fair

J: nope it doesn't matter but i'll let you play for this one time

i roll my eyes.

E: fine let's go

we go to one of my favorite spots to eat when i was younger.
we finished eating and it's 10.

J: mmm the food was soooo good

E: i know i love it there

J: so is there anything else you want to do or do you wanna go back to the hotel

E: mmm let's go swimming

J: okay? where

E: just follow me

and we started walking towards a forest.

J: uh baby where are you taking me

E: do your trust me?

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