Chapter 8

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Jake's pov

i was at my house chilling...drinking. then someone knocks. hmm who can it be. i get up open the door and it's erika! oh my god. she came just to give me back my jacket. no i wanted her to keep it. but then she asked me a question that i did not know how to answer.

E: Jake you drink ?!

J: uhh

shit what do i say. should i practice my acting skills. fuck it.

J: uh no my friend came over my house when we went to hollywood

E: how do you know and you have been having your beer in the fridge the whole time !?

J: noo when my friend came over he brought the beer and he was drinking.. but i don't drink

E: mmm not even one?

J: depends if i'm having a bad day i'll drink like one but not to the point where i get drunk

E: oh alright then here's your jacket

she threw it at me and she started walking.

E: bye Jake

J: bye erika

damn i straight up lied to her. that's not right man. but what if i would've told her the truth. she probably wouldn't even hang with me. i don't know if i can fully trust her. yet how is she ever gonna trust me if i lie straight to her face. ugh i'm so STUPID WHY THE FUCK DO I KEEP DOING THESE TYPE OF THINGS.

i closed me door and went to my room and punched my wall.

i lay then and fall asleep.

Erika's pov

i woke up at 9 today. not to bad. i texted Jake hoping he was up so i can take him to breakfast. i texted him. "good morning Jake if you are awake text me cause i wanna take us to go eat breakfast🙃".

now i just wait. i laid in bed and like 5 min later he texts back.


Jake: good morning beautiful and yeah i'd loved that

i don't know why but i started blushing.

E: alright get ready i'll knock at your door in 10

Jake: alright see you then

E: okayyy

end of texts

i got dressed. and then once i was done i went to Jake's place. i knocked the door. then he opened it. i smiled.

E: hey

J: hi beautiful

omg i started to blush. why is he so cute.

E: you ready

J: yeah

E: alright let's go

J: ok

he closes the door and we go to my jeep.

J: you have a jeep?

E: yes i do

J: oh that's nice

E: yes it is

we go into my jeep and i take him to go eat to denny's. and on the way there we were talking. i think i'm starting to like him. i had already like little feelings for him. but i think i like him. he's really funny, really cute, and i can talk to him like nothing.

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