Chapter 18

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Erika's pov

i woke up. with comfort. i look up and see my beautiful ass boyfriend sleeping.

and i look at him for a good 3 minutes.

E: i love you

i whispered to him.

i kissed him on the lips. and then on the cheek. and then on his neck. and then he woke up. he looked at me and smiled.

J: goodmorning baby

i smile back at him.

E: goodmorning babe

he hugs me tight.

J: oh erika you don't know how much i missed you

E: psh imagine me

J: so what happen exactly can you tell me

E: yeah so -

J: wait wait erika

E: yes

J: i needa tell you everything first

E: about what ?

J: everything erika

E: like .....

I took a deep breath.

J: like why you stormed out in the first place

and then i remember. oh shit. he was cheating.

i stood quiet.

J: but baby please let me explain now

E: okay i will

J: thank you so.....

and i couldn't believe it. Jake was a fuck boy? he had drinking problems? and he wasn't cheating on me. i believe him. i love him. and i need to trust him. we need to trust each other.

E: wow jake i am so sorry

J: sorry? for what i should be saying sorry

E: no i should've let you explain i just.. i don't know

J: what

E: you were officially my boyfriend and i was so happy cause i loved you.. and i just thought you were using me

J: no erika i would never do that to you.. i love you

we kiss.

E: and i love you too but why didn't you tell me all this in the first place

J: it's just i have trust issues and i feel like if i were to tell you.. you'd use it against me or something

E: baby i would never do that

J: well i know that now

E: thank you for telling me and i'm sorry

J: no don't say sorry. now can you tell me what happen over there

E: yeah so...

Jake's pov

while Erika was telling me. i was getting so pissed i'm gonna kill this son of bitch.

i get up from the bed fast. and i was heading towards the living me.

E: baby baby don't where are you going

i was so pissed. who the hell hits a women and threatens to kill her.

E: Jake

i grab my keys from the table and was about to open the door.

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