Chapter 10

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Erika's pov

i woke up at 10 today. not to bad. i got a goodmorning text from Jake. i love his texts. i text him back and i run to amanda's room. and i tell her everything. about what happened yesterday.

Jake's pov

i woke up and texted Erika goodmorning. then i called kade and i told him what happened the other day. he was really happy for me and he told me not to fuck up. as i was talking to him i realized i had acting classes today. i totally forgot.

i texted Erika and told her that my class ends at 2 so at 4 we'll go bowling. she said that it was fine. i kinda don't want to go to class. but it's gonna be really good for me.

i eat and then i head to my classes.

Erika's pov

Jake told me he had to go to acting classes. that's crazy he might become and actor. that's really dope. i wanna be Jake's girlfriend. i want him to be my boyfriend. i think imma kiss him today. i really want to.

me and amanda went out to go eat breakfast. while we were eating this guy kept staring at me. i felt very uncomfortable.

we continued eating and he came up to our table and looked at me.

?: hey

E: hi

?: you single ?

oh shit what do i say. i'm technically single cause i don't have a boyfriend. but i'm going out with someone.

E: uhh.. n-n-n-

A: no she's not she has a boyfriend

amanda interrupted me.

he looks at her then walked away.

E: thank you so much

A: no problem

E: you know technically i am though

A: mmm not really cause your dating someone

E: yeah but -

A: no buts if you are going out with someone you are taken till you guys never see each other or talk

E: i mean i guess

Jake's pov

i finished acting classes. i went home. kade called and asked if he can come over. i told him only for a little cause i had a date with Erika.

i got home and he was there waiting by the door.

J: what's up kade

K: what's up homie

we bro hugged. then we got in and sat at my tables.

K: you excited

J: of course i am

K: that's good what y'all doing today?

J: imma take her bowling and maybe the movies after

K: that's good.. when you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend?

J: i don't know man i'm scared to

K: why man

J: i don't know

K: what are you afraid of.. her denying you?.. jake if she didn't want to be with you she would've cut you out a long ass time ago.

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