Chapter 16

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Jake's pov

i woke up at 11. i changed and went to go get breakfast and coffee. i decided not to waste my time and to actually start going back acting classes. once i was done. it was like 4:30. i ate and i started driving to where this guy lives. i parked my truck on like a curve and i sat on the sidewalk. if i were to move left and look back i could see the house. i didn't want to go to close then that guy was gonna suspect something.

i was sitting there. waiting. and hour past by. nothing. another hour passes by. and nothing. and another hour passed by. okay one more hour after this i'll go him. it's like 8 and i looked back and oh my god he's leaving his house.

i sit on the sidewalk with my head down and see his car past by. i time it. i wonder how long he's gonna take.

i wait and wait and then he finally comes back. i stop it. i look at it. it takes him an hour. so he leaves his house at 8:00 pm and doesn't get back till like 9. that's perfect.

Erika's pov

it's 9 pm and i expect victor to come and tell me what's gonna happen. 2 minutes later he walks in.

V: aha on saturday your gonna be gone

E: wha- what

V: the meeting went very good i'm gonna have one more on friday and then your gonna be gone by saturday

my heart dropped. my stomach started to hurt. i felt sick.

V: you should be happy

i looked at him with disgust.

E: why the fuck should i be happy IM GETTING SOLD

he punches me.


i started crying.

V: your lucky i'm not gonna whip you

and he walked away. what am i gonna do. i look out the window. and look at the pool.

and it clicked. i'll break the fucking the window and i'll jump out into the pool. the pool was really close so i know i'll make it. and luckily it's the deep side. i'm just gonna have to wait till friday when he's gone. then i'll make my move and get the fuck out of here.

Jake's pov

i was at home and thinking. okay tomorrow i'll go back to that place. at like 7:30 and when it's 8 if he doesn't leave then i'll come back the next day. and i'll keep going till that guy leaves. and i'm gonna search the house. i need her. i want her. i miss her voice. her eyes. her smile. i lay in bed. and fall asleep.

*next day*

i wake up and do the usual. i shower, change, brush my teeth, go get breakfast and head to my acting classes.

i finished at 5 today. i ate and went back to my apartments. i changed into sweats and a t-shirt. and i started driving back to the guys house. perfect timing. it's 7:45. if he doesn't leave in 15 minutes then i'll come back tomorrow. i wait for 15 minutes. maybe he's running a little late. i wait another 5 minutes and nothing. fuck man. i drive back to my house. i needa call kade.

on the phone-

K: hi Jake

J: look kade tomorrow i'm gonna go to this guys house at 7:30 tomorrow and imma wait till 8 and if he leaves imma go inside his house and search it

K: and what if he doesn't leave

J: then i'll go the next day

K: jake your gonna get caught what if you think he leaves and he comes back right away

J: that won't happen

K: what if it does and he has a gun ?!

J: that's why you'll come tomorrow and have my back

K: but Jake-

end of call

i hung up on him. if he's a real one he'll show up tomorrow and he'll have my back. i doubt he has a gun cause when i went in his house he would've had it pointing to me head. which gives me another
reason to believe that she's not there. if she was there he probably would've beat me up and took me to his basement or something.

i start second guessing myself. fuck what if she's not there. but he does have a big car which looks like a van. and he has if covered up. and he kinda matched the description carlos gave me. i don't know i'll go tomorrow and saturday and if he doesn't leave. then i guess i'll just stop.

ahhh let's see what happens next chapter keep reading.

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