Chapter 5

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Jake's pov

i woke up at 9:30 because i had to go to acting classes today. i was so nervous. i didn't know what to expect. i didn't drink last night so that's the good thing. but i brushed my teeth extra good today just in case my breath still smelled.

i got in my truck and started heading to the class. once i got there and i wasn't the only one. there was a lot more people then i expected. we got split into groups and went into different rooms. it was a huge as building but there was a lot of rooms.

2 hours later

damn just from 2 hours i learned so much already. and the 2 hours went by fast. i had so much fun i met a lot of different people and it was so much fun. like i'm actually excited to audition for the part "dirk" .

they fed us there so i decided to just go straight home. once i got there i went to my apartment and as i was walking to my door i see erika. i smile. and wave. she was looking down.

J: hey erika

she looks up and smiles.

E: hi jake

and she continues walking. gosh her smile is so cute.

Erika's pov

i was walking out my apartment cause i was gonna go buy some food for me and amanda. i was walking and i had my head down. then i hear a cute ass voice.

J: hey erika

he waves and smiles. damn he has a cute smile not gonna lie. i look at him and smile.

E: hi jake

and i continue walking. i don't know but like he's just so cute to me. i wanna hang out with him. like he seems like a cool ass dude. but i don't know.

i got food for me and amanda and went back to my apartment. i need to talk to her about Jake. i just can't stop thinking about him.

we were eating and o finally decide to bring up the conversation.

E: do you want to be in a relationship ?

A: mm at the moment no but eventually maybe why

E: oh just asking

A: oh alright

E: have you seen any cute guys that you be interested?

A: currently no.. you ?

i clear my throat.

E: maybe

her face lit up.

A: oh my god whooo

E: okay promise if i tell you that you won't go and talk to him

A: mmm no promises

E: ugh whatever uh i think his name is Jake

her face lit up.

A: Jake paul!?

E: uh if that's his last name sure

A: Jake paul as in blonde headed guy

E: yeah yeah that's him

A: noooo way you like him ????!

E: well not exactly cause i don't know him but like he's kinda cute

i said smiling. she squeals.

A: ahhhhh yes you should totally talk to him

E: i think he has a girlfriend though

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