Chapter 12

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*next day*

Jake's pov

ah today i had a date planned out with Erika. i was suppose to ask her to be my girlfriend today but things change. i had already payed to sit at a v.i.p section at this club yesterday so might as well still go.

i texted Erika in the morning as i do everyday.


J: goodmorning baby

Erika❤️: goodmorning babe

J: so today i have a couple things planned, we're gonna eat at my place and then go clubbing after

Erika❤️: ouuu can't wait

J: yeah so dress kinda clubbingish and fancyish alright

Erika❤️: okay

J: and be at my place by 9:15 - 9:30 no later than 9:30 and i'll leave the door open for you

Erika❤️: okay baby i'll see you there

J: okay

end of texts

ugh. i wanted to tell her i love her. i honestly do. i feel like id go crazy with out her. i don't why. but i feel like it's lowkey to soon.

after i called kade and told him that Erika asked me to be her boyfriend. i told him i said yes and what should i do for today

on the phone -

K: damn bro that's crazy

J: i know so what should i do

K: what do you mean

J: yeah remember how you told me to have our date at my place

K: oh yeah! that's right

J: yeah so what do i do?

K: well you should get like fancyish table covers, get candles, dim your lights, and cook like a good dinner

J: suggestions?

K: pasta, steak, -

J: i'll do pasta

K: alright then that's good and don't forget about garlic bread

J: alright fo sho thanks kade

K: no problem tell me how the dinner goes and the club after

J: alright bye

K: bye

end of call

i go to the store and i buy everything i need. table covers, candles, food.

took me bout 2 hours to get everything i needed. i got home and took a long ass shower. i put on some shorts and long socks. no shirt and i wear slides. i lay out my clothes on my bed and i start cooking the food.

Erika's pov

i start getting ready. hmm imma try something different. i get dressed and do my makeup. this was my final look...

it's already 9 i'll leave like in 10 minutes or so

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it's already 9 i'll leave like in 10 minutes or so

Jake's pov

it's 8:30 oh shit i should change. i put on like dark gray ripped jeans and black air jordan 1's. i was gonna put my shirt on but it was lowkey hot and i still wasn't done cooking. i'll put it on later. i put my shirt on the couch and start walking back to the kitchen. either way i feel like Erika likes seeing me shirtless. so i'll let her see me like that before our date.

it's like 9:10 erika should be here in like 5 or 10 minutes. i put the table covers on my table and place the plates on the table. i grab the forks and spoons and knifes and place them next to the plate. once i was done i went back to my couch and sat down real quick and grabbed my phone. i was on looking down at it and the door slowly opens. i didn't look up or anything. i wanted erika to walk to me. i still haven't looked up. i grabbed my shirt. she closed the door and came to me. i smiled and stood up and it wasn't erika...

it was on of the girls i had sex with.

J: what the fuck are you doing here

?: i'm kinda horny let's go to your room

J: no get -

?: shhhhh

she started caressing my arm.

J: get ! -

i was gonna move her hand away from me and yell at her to get out and that i have a girlfriend...but the the door opens and it's Erika....

Erika's pov

i should start going to Jakes place. maybe i can help him with something. i open the door and see the table and there's food. i look to my left and there's another girl holding jake's arm. Jake sees me and pushes it away from him. oh my fucking god. i try to hold my tears but i couldn't. he's cheating on me.

J: Erika it's not what it looks like

E: what the fuck are you doing !

i said very angrily but in cracky voice as well.

J: Babe it's -

E: don't fucking babe me!

i turned around fucking pissed. i was walking out of his door. i hear his footsteps and he grabs my arm.

J: Erika -

i pull my arm away from his hand. tears wouldn't stop streaming down.

E: stop.. We're over .. never fucking talking to me ever again

Jake's pov

Erika told me to never talk to her. i went back inside my apartment and i see that girl. i didn't even know her name. i was about to burst into to tears. but i held it in.


she left. FUCK MAN . i was so mad. i flip my table. i punch my wall. and slide down against it. i started crying. she was gonna be the love of my life. i wasn't even doing anything bad. she should've just let me explain. but i'm such an idiot.

i got up and went to my fridge. i still had beer in there. i grabbed one and drank it fast. i was so mad but i was heartbroken as well. i kept drinking and drinking. i was drunk. i couldn't even walk. i grabbed another beer. and i just threw it across from me and it broke. i started crying. and then i laid on the floor. and fell asleep crying.

Erika's pov

i walked away. heartbroken. i was started to love him. and now it's over. i walked out of the apartments and started running away. i started officially crying my eyes out. tbh i didn't even know where i was going. it was dark and i was just running. i had took off my heels. no cars were passing by. so i just ran in the middle of the street. there was no light. it was quiet. the houses didn't have their lights on. it was hella scary. this one van pulled up to a house though. i didn't even care i just kept running till i was tired.

but then before i pass the van. somebody grabs me and covers my mouth with a cloth or something. the person held me tight. i was trying to break free but i couldn't. i kept elbowing the person and kicking them but nothing work. i slowly felt myself passing out.

uhhhh ohhhhh... keep reading..

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