Chapter 17

666 17 1

Erika's pov

today's the day i have to escape. if i don't. tomorrow i'll be gone. i won't have a chance.

i woke up like at 12 i'm guessing cause there was lunch on the floor not breakfast.

Jake's pov

i woke up hoping Kade will come. i have a weird feeling. i cant really explain it though. today then one more day of acting classes. and by next week or so i'm gonna finally audition for the role "dirk". i can't wait. i just would've wished Erika was here. but i'm like lowkey doing all this for her. if it weren't for her. i'd probably wouldn't be doing any of it. she changed me.

now that i think of it. i stopped drinking cause of her. and i stopped hooking up with girls cause of her. holy shit and i might have a role in disney. what the fuck. everything just hit right now. that's insane.

i got to my acting classes and they let me out later than i expected. it was 7:30. good thing they fed me. i went home and changed. i put on basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

i park my car on the curve as i usually do and i sit on the sidewalk.

it's 7:58. i look back and oh my god. he pulls off the cover of the big car and it's a red van. i KNEW IT. he gets in and takes off. i look at the time and it's 8. i look around me kade didn't come. fucking kade. i started walking to this guy's house.

Erika's pov

it's like 7:55 and victor comes up.

V: i'm bout to leave

he comes to me and starts tying my hands together and my feet together.

E: hey what the fuck!

V: i'm sorry i don't like doing this but when i come back the boss wants to come look at you and i need you tied up

i didn't say anything. i was pissed.

V: after i'll buy whatever food you wanna eat for the last time. i'll be back like in a hour

he walks down and locks the door. then i hear the car turn on. and he's gone.

he actually left.

i can move and stand but i have less freedom. fuck this is gonna be harder than i expected. i feel like a mermaid with no hands.

i lay down and i start kicking the window with both of my feet. i broke the window completely.

i sit on the edge and look down. woah it's a little higher than i expected. i took a deeep breath and everything started going slow motion for me.

E: okay here goes nothing

i jump out and go into the pool. fuck fuck fuck fuck i cant go up! i cant swim! i'm tied up. fuckkkk. was this the moment. am i gonna die right now?

Jake's pov

as i was walking to his house from a distance i heard someone like jump in a pool. and it came from the house. i go to the back first to make sure and there's someone in the bottom of the deep side. i go closer and it's ERIKA ! i threw my phone and keys on the floor and i jumped in there. i was looking around underwater and i seen her. i grabbed her and picked her up first. then i got up and i started breathing heavily.

J: Erika please breath!

i put her outside of the pool and i got out. i untied her quickly.

J: Erika please!

i started doing CPR.


i say while putting pressure on her chest. i pinch her nose shut and i blow air into her mouth.

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