Chapter 7

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Erika's pov

i woke up really late. it's like 12:30. i try not to sleep in but i was so tired i slept through all of my alarms. i look at my phone and this random number texted me. i read the message and it's Jake. i smile and i told him hi.

i got up and i went to the kitchen. i guess amanda still hasn't gotten up cause she wasn't there. i was gonna make something to eat then Jake texts me.


Jake: did you just wake up?

E: yeah why

Jake: let me take you to go eat

E: alright when

Jake: mmm like in 20

E: okay that's fine cause i still have to change

Jake: okay i'll knock on your door when i'm here

E: okay

Jake: alright see you in a bit

end of texts

i ran to my room. what do i wear. wait we're just gonna go eat and hang it's not a date. i relaxe a bit. i put on a black shirt. shorts. and high top converse.

couple of minutes later he knocked. i told amanda that i was gonna go hang with him. she got happy and said okay.

i open the the door. and smile.

J: hey

E: hey

he stood and smiled at me.

J: alright l-let's g-go

i walked out and closed the door and we started walking.

Jake's pov

i finally got Erika from her apartment and we started walking to my truck. we got in and sat down. i turned on the car. and look at the passenger seat. erika is in the seat next to my what the heck.

J: so where do you wanna go eat ?

E: uhh where ever you want

J: no it's fine i'll let you choose

E: well i have no idea

J: well we could eat at a restaurant or a fast food spot

E: what's your favorite spot to go eat

J: taco bell

E: well let's go there

J: mmm no you choose

E: and i choose taco bell

J: i know you don't want that

E: yes i do

J: you sure erika.. like u don't pizza or cheeseburgers or -

E: let's go to a pizza spot

J: alright down

we got to this pizza place called cruz's pizza. i order a medium pepperoni pizza. and she got a caesar salad.

J: you wanna eat at a park or my place or something

E: wherever you want.. we can go to your place if you want

J: alright fo sho

and i start driving back to my apartment. once we got there we sat on my couch and started eating and i put netflix on.

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