Chapter 13

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Jake's pov

i woke up to my door banging. and my head hurting. i open the door and it's amanda.

J: uh hey amanda what's up

i said in a sleep voice.

A: where is she

she said fiercefully

J: who ?

A: Erika idiot

then i remembered she's not here. shit!

J: uh i dont know she walked out my door last night and i haven't talked to her

A: what happen cause i called her and she didn't answer. i texted her and she didn't respond. Jake she always responds

J: it's a long story but long story short there was a random ass girl here and i was tryna kick her out and i think erika thought i was cheating.

A: so she stormed out?

J: yeah she didn't even let me explain

A: she must of been hurt

J: she's not the only one

it was quiet for a second.

J: let me change and let's go get some coffee and i'll call my buddy and maybe we can look for her or something

A: okay maybe her phone died or some thing

J: yeah probably

A: okay i'll be back in 5 minutes

J: okay

she walked away and i started to get ready. once i was done i called kade and told him to meet me at starbucks. in like 10. he said okay. then i hear someone knocking on my door. it's amanda and we start walking out of the apartments. once we stepped out i looked at the floor and there was heels on the ground.

J: look

amanda grabbed them.

A: these are erika's

we look to our left.

J: she probably took off this way

A: yeah let's go

we get in my truck and start driving the way we think she went. starbucks was in that direction either way. we're driving and we see a 2 cop cars and a news van.

A: you don't think anything happened to her right

J: gee i hope not

we continue driving and stopped at starbucks. we got off and they had the news on there was a guy talking to the news people.

mini interview-

random guy: yeah i was at home and it was dark out. i looked outside my window and a red van pulled up. no vans really pull up and i thought it was weird. a guy came out and there was a young lady running. and the guy covered her mouth with a white cloth and she passed out. and the guy threw her in the van and drove off.

news guy: do you know what she looked like ?

random guy: uh i couldn't really tell but she had her hair tied up kinda and it looked like she was wearing a jean jacket as a dress?

my heart dropped. that was erika!

news guy: well if you might know this young lady please come immediately to talk to us. do you know how the guy looked like ?

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